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Showing posts with the label game of thrones names


Pulled from our previous list regarding The Very Best O Names for Boys and Girls is the interesting male name Oberon. Pronounced O-bÉ™r-ahn, this name is a variant of the name Auberon which is the Norman French derivative of the Germanic name Alberich. Alberich means "elf power" and is also the father name of Aubrey. A similar and relatively well-known literary name is Oberyn which was created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in the popular book series A Song of Ice and Fire and the television adaptation Game of Thrones. Oberyn may have been inspired by Oberon even though the two are pronounced slightly differently. Oberon is also a literary name but it dates back much further than Oberyn. Oberon was the King of the Fairies in Shakespeare's comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream  in 1595. In honor of that character, Oberon is also the name of one of the moons of Uranus which makes Oberon a celestial name as well. Despite all of these associations,...

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