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Showing posts from 2015

A Look Back At The Art of Naming's 2015 - A Year End Summary

We're at the end of the year 2015. Before we step into 2016, let's take a moment to look back at the names and articles we've discussed this year. The main name series of the year took us on an alphabetical adventure. The plan was to fit all 26 letters into 12 months but it was a bit too jam-packed. As a result, the letter Z has been stretched out to March, but we have been able to explore most of the letters already. Below are all of the available links to view the Top 50 names per letter according to The Art of Naming: A  |  B  |   C   |  D   |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J   |  K  |  L  |  M   |  N  |  O  | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z The featured name articles that have accompanied the alphabetical posts were originally meant to complement each other as if they were part of a big sibset of 26 kids from A-Z but t...

I Want To Change My Name! Where Do I Start?

Changing your name can be tough. It requires that you really know yourself and what you want.  You would need to browse through name lists and pick out the ones that jump at you. Maybe you’ll find something that instantly speaks to you, but most likely it’ll take a while and names will need to grow on you. You’ll need to try them on and wear them to see if they’re a fit. You could go about it in many different ways but it would depend on if you want to keep a connection to your old name or abandon it completely. Here are a few of the many possible methods for choosing a different name for yourself: 1. Stick to similar sounds: Maybe you dislike your name Carolyn but you find yourself liking the similar sounding Coraline instead. 2. Find a related name: You don't want to stray too far but Heidi just isn't you. Try sister name Adelaide from the same root name Adalheidis. 3.  Do the complete opposite:   If you have a common name, go for something unusual ...


Names that start with the letter U  aren't always favored very highly but Ulysses is a great exception that deserves more usage. The masculine name Ulysses is the Latin form of the excellent Greek mythological name Odysseus. Odysseus is said to be derived from the Greek οδυσσομαι ( odyssomai ) which means "to hate, wrathful". While that isn't the greatest meaning ever, both of these names are strong and interesting. In Greek legend, Odysseus was a hero of the Trojan War. Homer's The Odyssey, follows Odysseus's journey back to his kingdom and his wife Penelope. As for the name Ulysses, it was used as the title of a book written in 1920 by Irish author James Joyce. This story was loosely based on The Odyssey and was adapted into a movie in 1967. The most famous man named Ulysses in American history is Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885), the commander of the Union forces during the American Civil War. He later became the 18th President of the United States f...

The Very Best U Names for Boys and Girls

Imagine an alternate universe where the alphabet was arranged differently. I surmise that people love the letter A so much because it is #1, but what if it wasn't?  What if the letter U came first? What if there were an abundance of favorable baby names that began with the letter U? What if common A names had their spellings changed to start with U and everyone loved them? If that is hard to imagine, perhaps you should take a moment to stop and smell the U-scented roses. There is a surprising amount of lovely names that begin with this under-appreciated letter. I narrowed it down to the best I could find. Here are the 50 best boy and girl names that start with the letter U: Ujana Ulani Ulla Ulyana Ulyciana Uma Umay Umeko Umi Umika Ummi Una Unique Unity Ura Urania Uriela Urja Ursa Ursula Usra Utari Uttara Uva Uzuri Uba Uchenna Uday Udell Ugo Ulmer Ulrich Ulysses Umberto Umed Umi Unique Uorsin Upton Urbain Urban Urbano Uri...

Surname Names for Girls

Surname names aren't anything new. There are countless surnames that could work as a given name for a boy, but did you know that there is also an increasing amount of surname names for girls? This list ranges from the more unisex options like Morgan, Parker and Carson that are also popular for boys to the interesting, feminine ones like Ayala, Miranda and Valencia. Do you have a favorite surname to use as a girl's given name? Perhaps you'd use your maiden name or your grandmother's maiden name for a daughter. Browse the list below and let me know in the comments if there are any other surname names that you can think of that I've missed. Adair Addison Ainsley Aniston Arden Arlington Ashley Astor Avery Avila Ayala Bailey Bardot Bell Bellamy Bettany Blair Blakely Caldwell Callan Cameron Campbell Carlisle Carrigan Carrington Carroll Carson Carter Chandler Connelly Darby Darcy Delaney Ellery Ellington Elliott Ellis ...

Surname Names for Boys

Surname names for boys is one of the largest trends in baby names today, so much so that it is sometimes happening under the radar. Many of the names on this list have become so well-used and well-known as first names over the years that we don't really think about them also being surnames, we know that they are but the connection may not be immediately made. That isn't always the case though. Some names are obviously more reminiscent of a surname than others like Smith or Nicholson or Campbell but many parents are increasingly using these surnames for first names. This especially occurs in relation to maiden names. Mothers like to pass down their surnames by giving them to their sons as firsts or middles. This can also happen through wanting to honor a whole branch of the family tree. Whatever the reason, many of the following names are hot these days while others are waiting to be discovered. Which of these do you like most? Anderson Bauer Baxter Bennett B...


Inspired by our list of The Very Best T Names for Boys and Girls is the beautiful and unique name Tallulah. Tallulah is a Native American name but there is a bit of discrepancy about its true origin and meaning. It is typically said to mean "leaping waters" in the Choctaw language but some argue that it actually means "town" in the Creek language . Perhaps both of them are accurate. This name is pronounced tÉ™-LOO-lÉ™. The alternative spelling Talulla is actually a different name. Talulla is Irish and comes from the Gaelic name Tailelaith . It is derived from the Irish elements tuile meaning "abundance" and flaith meaning "princess". There are two early Irish saints by the name Talulla. Neither name is popular or even common. The Irish Talulla has only been given to 10 girls total according to the SSA's records: 5 births in 2011 and 5 in 2013 in the US. As for Tallulah, the name has been on record since 1917 in the US but it was only...

The Very Best T Names for Boys and Girls

The process of tracking down the right name for your child can be tricky. Sometimes there are just too many options to sift through and you find yourself overwhelmed by the possibilities. Allow me to make it easier for you. If you are fond of the letter T or if you're searching for a T name to honor someone in particular, you've found the right place. Below are 25 of the best T names for girls, and 25 for boys too. I took the time to sift through the hundreds of T names so I could bring you only the best of the best. Here you may very well find the perfect, fashionable T name for your child. Which of these do you like most? Tabitha Tallulah Tamsin Tanya Tara Tatiana Tatum Tavia Tawny Taylor Teagan Temperance        Tessa Thalia Thea Theodora Theresa Thisbe Thora Tiana Tiffany Trinity Trista Trudy Tyra Tate Tavish Taylor Teague Tennyson Thaddeus Thatcher Theodore Theron Thomas Tiberius Timothy Titus Tobias To...

24 Unusual Virtue Names Used in Colonial America

Around this time of year, America tends to reflect on our interesting origins as a country. One of the most popular tales revolves around the early settlers who arrived on the east coast in the 1600s.  The fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving, a national holiday that commemorates the thanksgiving that the Pilgrims held for barely surviving their first winter in 1621. Tomorrow, this holiday will be observed by many. The Puritans were a quirky group of English Protestants who settled mostly in the Boston area. There were about 10 Massachusetts Bay Puritan settlers to every 1 Pilgrim from Plymouth but they ended up merging together around 1691. While these two groups were initially very different, they and their descendants together form the popular image of America's early settlers that most people think about on Thanksgiving. Let's take a moment to look back at some of the unusual names that popped up in Colonial America. Most of the common names were traditional o...


Taken from the list of The Very Best S Names for Boys and Girls is the interesting masculine name Soren. Let's learn more about it. Soren is a Scandinavian name that's starting to catch on with American parents today. There are three different ways to spell Soren . First, there's just the anglicized Soren which is typically pronounced Sorr-en. If you venture into Scandinavia, there's also the Danish and Norwegian form the name spelled Søren and pronounced more like SUU-ren. Derived from that is the form that the Swedes and Germans tend to prefer: Sören , also pronounced SUU-ren or ZUU-ren. No matter how it is accented, the name originally comes from Severinus which is a Roman family name derived from Severus meaning "stern" in Latin. This name has been well-used in Denmark. Just take a look at the long list of mostly Danish famous people on Nameberry.   What about its popularity in America? Soren first appeared on record in the US in 1912 but it ...

The Very Best S Names for Boys and Girls

It's time to choose a name. Not just any name, though, you must pick one that you and your partner mutually love. A name that feels relevant to your family and suitable for your child. While there are thousands of options out there, the amount that you can actually select for one child is usually limited to four names at most. On your search, you'll no doubt develop a sort of naming style. Many of your names will have similar sounds or popularity to one another. Perhaps you'll even be drawn to one or two specific letters. If your current favorite letter is S for names, this list is for you. Below are 25 of the best S names for girls and 25 of the best S names for boys listed alphabetically. Among these, you'll surely find a winner! Sabrina Sadie Samantha Sarah Sasha Savannah Scarlett Selah Selena Seraphina Serena Serenity Shayla Shelby Shoshanah Sienna Sierra Simone Sonia Sophia Stella Summer Susannah Sybil Sylvia Samuel Sant...

The Latinate Boys of 2014: Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Names in the Top 1000

Leonardo da Vinci There is a very large Latin presence in the United States these days. Did you know that there are several Spanish, Italian and Portuguese names for boys that rank within the Top 1000 most popular names? My favorite of the bunch is listed as the "Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Leonard" on Behind the Name. Leonardo fits all three origin categories with ease and yet it is familiar enough to English ears that it could be considered for American boys who do not have Latin origins. The part-Italian Leonardo DiCaprio has helped make the name more mainstream in America. Interestingly, his name was chosen when his pregnant mother felt him kick for the first time while his parents were viewing a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo isn't the only name that works across all three of these cultures though.  Below are all of the Latinate names and their popularity rank for the year 2014 in the US. Let's take a look at the first half of th...


Based on this week's list of The Very Best R Names for Boys and Girls , I've chosen the vintage, gem name Ruby. Ruby is derived from the Latin word ruber which means "red". As you might know, it is the name of a precious stone with a red hue that serves as the birthstone of the month of July. Along with other gem names, Ruby was first used as a name in the Victorian Era. As a baby name, Ruby gained usage in the 19th century. It has been in use since name records were first kept in the US in 1880. Ruby was particularly well-used in the early 1900s, peaking from 1918-1924 with over eight thousand births each year. Vintage names like Ruby that were popular around 1920, declined in usage and then began climbing the charts again in recent years are fashionable now. There are many that follow this same pattern that's sometimes called the 100 Year Rule which basically states that once-popular names tend to come back in style after about 100 years have passed....

The Very Best R Names for Boys and Girls

Since most baby name websites have thousands of names in their databases, it can be difficult to narrow down the options. Where should you even begin? If you happen to know what sort of sound you're looking for in a name, that's a good place to start. Maybe you're even looking specifically for a name starting with a certain letter. If you're fond of R, this list is for you. Below are 25 of the best R names for girls and 25 of the best names starting with the letter R for boys. There are so many wonderful R names that it's tough to narrow it down. Which of these do you like the most?  Did I miss one of your favorites? Rachel Rae Ramona Raphaela Raven Rebecca Reese Regina Renata Rhea Rhiannon Riley Robin Rochelle Romy Rosa Rosalie Rosalind Rosamund Rose Rosemary  Rowan Rowena Ruby Ruth Rafferty Ramsey Raphael Raymond Reid Reuben Rex Rhett Rhys Richard Riley Riordan Robert Robin Rocco Roderick Roland Roman...

The Best Names from Horror Movies

It's that time of year again. Nearly every doorstep is currently occupied by pumpkins, cobwebs and skeletons. Halloween is days away! You are no doubt finalizing your costume for the big party on Saturday or to take your little ones trick or treating. What about a horror movie marathon? Are you planning one of those? There are many great horror films out there so I decided to browse through a few in search of great character names. Whether you would ever use one of these names for a child or not is up to you but surely you can appreciate these monikers and their counterparts. Girls: Addison (Saw II) Blair (Blair Witch Project) Carrie (Carrie) Casey (Scream) Dana (The Cabin in the Woods) Elvira (Elvira: Mistress of the Dark) Erin (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) Gale (Scream) Iris (30 Days of Night) Jules (The Cabin in the Woods) Katie (Paranormal Activity) Laurie (Halloween) Lila (Psycho) Marion (Psycho) Minnie (Rosemary's Baby) Regan (The Exorcist) Ripley (Ali...


Quincy was hand-chosen from our article that featured The Very Best Q Names for Boys and Girls. We'll take a closer look at it now. Quincy is a surname that came from the place name Cuinchy which is a village in France. Cuinchy was originally derived from the Ancient Roman praenomen, or given name, Quintus which means "fifth" in Latin. Typically, Quintus was only given to the fifth born son but this isn't a necessary requirement for a modern boy named Quincy. Perhaps the most famous bearer of this name is the sixth president of the United States, John Quincy Adams, who happened to be born in the town Quincy, Massachusetts which was named after his mother's grandfather Colonel John Quincy. This interesting, quirky name has been in regular usage since name records were first kept in 1880 in the US. It was never all that popular until the mid 1970s. At its peak, Quincy ranked at #273 in 1977 with a total of 717 male births. Usage has now fallen to a steady 4...

The Very Best Q Names For Boys and Girls

Without looking at the list below, how many Q names could you come up with for either gender?  Admittedly, this is a very tough letter. The end of the alphabet is full of difficult letters with hardly-used names and Q is no exception.  Quinn is by far the most popular Q name today for both genders. It actually ranks higher for girls: in 2014, it ranked at #126. For boys, Quinn came in at #363 in the US. Other male names like Quentin (#471) and Quincy (#622) also rank well.  If you fancy the letter Q, this list is for you. Check out all of the unusual but interesting options! There are 25 for girls and 25 for boys. Which do you like most?  Qadira                        Qiana Quanda Quarrey Queen Queenie Quenby Quennell Querida Questa Quetzal Quiana Quiane Quilla Quillan Quinby Quincia Quincy Quinlan Quinn Quinta Quintana Quintara Quintessa Qwinne Quadariu...

Choosing Non-Matchy Twin Names That Still Go Together

Here in the US, some of the most popular twin sets include names like Matthew & Michael, Daniel & David, Hailey & Hannah or Ella & Emma. While there isn't technically anything wrong with matching names together like this, there are plenty of ways to be more creative when naming twins. Last week, I mentioned 5 things that make twin names too matchy . Today, we'll take a look at some examples of names that would better allow twins to have their own identities than the examples from last week. I've come up with 3 ways to ensure twins won't have overly matchy names. We will examine twin names that are linked together by meaning while still being different from one another, names that sound very different but still work together stylistically, and names that share a common sound without rhyming or being too sound-alike. 1. Linked by meaning These names don't rhyme or sound alike but they do share a similar meaning. This is great for parents wh...

When Twin Names Are Just Too Matchy

Naming a baby is an exciting process which means that naming two babies should be double the fun, right? If you happen to be expecting twins, you are now part of an elite club of parents who have the responsibility of naming two humans at once instead of one. The rules of naming twins are a bit different.  While most parents of twins feel the need to make the names match, is it necessary? You wouldn't normally make different-aged siblings match quite the same way as twins. Perhaps it is because twins tend to be paired up and associated with each other much more than regular siblings are. But do they need their names to tie them together too? It may be appealing while they're young but as they grow up, they may want their own identities. Giving them nearly identical names (like Taylor and Tyler) might be overkill.  Subtly linking the twins' names together can be a great way for them to bond while still allowing them to have their own name and their own identity apart ...


Today's featured girls' name, Phoebe, is brought to you by our previous article, T he Very Best P Names for Boys and Girls. Phoebe was Latinized from the Greek name Phoibe (Φοιβη) which means "radiant or bright". It is pronounced FEE-bee. There was a Titan named Phoibe in Greek mythology who was associated with the moon. One of Saturn's moons is named Phoebe after this Titan whose granddaughter was the moon goddess Artemis. Occasionally, Phoebe is considered as a synonym for Artemis. Biblically, the name Phoebe appears in the New Testament and refers to a female minister from Cenchrea, mentioned by the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans. Spelled Phebe, there was a shepherdess by this name in Shakespeare's As You Like It, published in 1623. The name Phoebe gained usage in England after the Protestant Reformation which ended in 1648. In the US, the name Phoebe has been in use since records began in 1880. It has very slowly gained more and more usage...

The Very Best P Names for Boys and Girls

Perhaps you are looking to honor someone whose name starts with the letter P. However, you don't want to use their exact name so you've decided to simply give your child the same initials as that person. That means you need a great P name that you can love! Fortunately for you, you've just stumbled upon a list of The Very Best P Names for Boys and Girls! 50 P names, to be exactly, 25 for girls and 25 for boys. That gives you plenty of options to choose from! So what will it be?  Share your favorite P names in the comments below. Did I miss any great ones? Paige Paisley Pamela Pandora Paris Patience Patricia Paula Pearl Penelope Peony Persephone       Petra Phaedra Philippa Philomena Phoebe Pia Piper Poppy Portia Presley Primrose Priscilla Prudence Palmer Parker Parrish Pascal Patrick Patton Paul Pavel Pax Paxton Penn Percival Percy Peregrine Perry Peter Peyton Phillip Phineas Phoenix Pierce Porter Powe...

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