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Showing posts with the label love names

"Love" Names for Your Mini-Valentine

When I was doing research for "romantic" names relating to Valentine's Day, the range of applicable names was rather diverse. There are the cutesy names that relate to gifts and love such as the following for girls: Adore Candy Cherish Desire Diamond Jewel Lace Lily Love Passion Pink Roma Rose Ruby Serenade Tulip ...and these for boys: Card Red Teddy But honestly, only a few of these actually make for a good, solid name.  Since today is generally a day of love, I instead decided to pick a few names that relate to love through their meanings or associations. Valentine/Valentina/Valentino Of course this name has to be first on the list. They honor St. Valentine who was a 3rd century Roman saint. He came to be associated with love, romance and devotion. The name itself means "strong, vigourous, healthy". Amabel This medieval choice comes from a Late Latin name meaning "loveable". Names like Annabelle, Arabella and Mabel ...

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