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Showing posts with the label name lists

The Great Long List of Excellent Name Ideas for Modern Girls [Part Two]

For anyone considering baby names for a future daughter, finding the right choice isn't always the easiest task. There are many factors at play, including how the name sounds and flows with your surname, potential nicknames, the name's popularity, ease of spelling and pronunciation, and the name's meaning. All of these aspects are things that should be considered when choosing a name for a child. However, some people just need somewhere to start before delving deeper. If you're in need of a launch pad, consider this list a great beginning. Last week we took a look at names starting with A-M, all of which would be great for a modern girl. Now, browse these names from N-Z for even more inspiration! Naomi Natalie Natasha Nell Niamh Nicole Noelle Noa Nola Nora Norah Nova Octavia Odelia Odessa Odette Olive Olivia Olivine Olympia Oona Ophelia Ottilie Ottoline Paige Paisley Pearl Penelope Peony Phaedra Philippa Phoebe Piper Poppy Prisc...

The Great Long List of Excellent Name Ideas for Modern Girls [Part One]

Are you expecting a daughter? Surely you have pondered names, by now. Finding the right choice isn't as easy as one would hope. There are many factors at play, including how the name sounds and flows with your surname, potential nicknames, the name's popularity, ease of spelling and pronunciation, and the name's meaning. All of these aspects are things that should be considered when choosing a name for a child. However, some people just need somewhere to start before delving deeper. If you're in need of a launch pad, consider this list a great beginning. Below is a list of girl names from A-M that would be beautiful on a modern girl. If you can't find something you like here, wait for the next article that covers N-Z. Adele Adeline Agatha Ainsley Alexandra Alice Amelia Antonia Aria Athena Audrey Augusta Aurora Aveline Azalea Bailey Beatrice Bellamy Belle Bethany Bianca Blair Blythe Briar Brielle Bronwyn Brynn Bryony Caia Calista C...

I Have A Common Surname, What Baby Names Should I Pick?

Jones, Smith, Miller, Davis, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Moore, Taylor, Anderson... At least in America, these are some of the most common surnames.  There's no right or wrong in naming, but you definitely have a variety of options. In fact, you could choose anywhere from an incredibly popular name, to something nobody's ever heard of.  That's up to you! But here are some ideas for each of the surnames I listed above.  I am basing this on the presumption that we are naming a baby in 2020 and want to follow modern styles and popularity. Popular Names: Your surname is super popular, might as well go the whole nine yards and choose a super popular first name, too. There's nothing wrong with that. It happens often. There's something about the anonymity of being one of many if you value your privacy.  Here's some ideas for the ten surnames I listed. Mason Jones Liam Smith Noah Miller Oliver Davis Ethan Johnson Aiden Williams Sebastian Brown Lucas Moore...

What Should I Name Emma's Little Sister?

Emma was at the top of the pack in 2018. We will find out very soon if she's managed to hold on to her tiara, or if, perhaps Olivia, has dethroned her.  Emma has always been a popular name. Well, at least since Ross and Rachel chose it back in 2004. She was destined for greatness though, and has proved it over the past decade. Even without "Friends," Emma was already climbing the charts. Emma ranked within the Top 100 from 1880 to 1941, decided to take a little break from her popularity before she reentered the Top 100 again in 1993. By 2002, Emma ranked as the 4th most popular name in the country. She snagged #1 in 2008, and again from 2014 to 2018. Girl is popular, but with good reason. Emma comes from a Germanic element " ermen " which means "whole" or "universal", which helps give this name her appeal.  So much so that Emma isn't only a top name in the US, it has also received plenty of usage in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sc...

Fabulous Names from Netflix's "The Witcher" Series

We have recently started watching Netflix's The Witcher and I was instantly mesmerized by the names of the characters. I'm a sucker for the unusual. I may not use most of these for a real life child, but I do appreciate them in a fantastical fiction.  I made a list of them for your browsing pleasure: Male: Geralt Jaskier Istredd Cahir Dara Eist Lazlo Filavandrel Torque Foltest Danek Artorius Korin Fletcher Anton Nettly Yurga Eyck Chireadan Zigrin Adonis Hemet Remus Tsoka Filip Yannick Atlan Mikal Peregrine Nonim Vyr Female: Ciri Yennefer Triss Calanthe Fringilla Tissaia Sabrina Vanielle Danica Renfri Eithne Zola Tiffania Pavetta Toruviel Anica Marilka Téa Véa Kalis Fola Glacella Marites Sancia Isadora Adda Lilja Coral Kaveri Aridea There's definitely a few in there that would be suitable for a child, but the rest are truly just fun. Which do you like?

Nautical Names for Sea Lovers

Now that summer is coming to an end, let's take a look at some of the beachiest, ocean-related baby name options. Even though I come from more landlocked areas, it is hard to deny that the ocean is a powerful force. For those of you that love the sound of nautical names, here are ideas to consider: Boy Names: Anchor Bay Fisher Kai Marinus "of the sea" Ocean Tide Girl Names: Aqua Coral Cordelia "jewel of the sea" Darya "sea, ocean" Isla "island" Marina "of the sea" Marisol "sea and sun" Nerissa "of the sea" Oceane Pearl Sailor These are just a few gems. Can you think of any others that would be suitable? Which is your favorite?  If you're looking for more watery ideas, try this list.

Musical Baby Names

If music is your passion, take inspiration from this list of musical baby names! Many of these are derived from Latin or Italian terms found throughout music, some are names of famous musicians and composers. Girls: Allegra Aria Boheme Cadence Cadenza Calypso Carol Celeste Ceridwen Chantal Collet Casella Chantry Clementi Corisande Echo Hadley Harmony Harper Hymn Kalliope Lyre Lyric Madrigal Melody Minuet Musette Octavia Opera Piper Rhapsody Rossini Sonatina Scarlatti Sempre Senza Serenade Siciliana Sinfonia Sonata Song Toccata Viola Boys: Adagio Amadeus Apollo Artemy Bach Barret Brahm Bran Brio Bryant Cadeo Cello Dorian Elegy Florian Hymn Kohler Landler Larsen Lyric Mandolin Mozart Muzio Olivier Ottorino Rhapsody Reed Rock Rowley Rossini Rhythm Sebestian Wolfgang The above lists included musical terms and classical musicians. The following list is a little more modern. This includes the nam...

Name Search Report: Madeline, Charity, Juniper and More Girl Names You Seek!

Charity  comes from the word charity meaning "generous love" from the Late Latin caritas , or "dear, beloved" from the Latin carus . It's known as a virtue name and was used by the Puritans. Surprisingly, Charity has been consistently -- albeit uncommonly -- used since records began in the US in 1880. It peaked from 1974-1980 or so, ranking as high as #183 in 1975. It left the Top 1000 in 2013. In 2017, there were 192 girls named Charity. Andrea  is the Italian form of Andreas, which comes from the Greek name Ανδρεας ( Andreas ), meaning "manly", and related to Andrew. Andrea can be both masculine and feminine. As a female name, it gained usage in the 17th century before becoming common more recently. It started climbing the charts in the 1940s for girls and continued to steadily climb, peaking in 1981 at #24 and over 11,600 births. Today it ranks at #128. Rose  may seem like a filler name now but it is truly an underrated classic with many lon...

Nolan, Theodore or Nathaniel? Plus, Unusual Middle Name Ideas!

Sometimes parents are attracted to more unusual names but they don't wish for it to be the first name that their child goes by on a daily basis. Here are three common first names for boys that have been paired with more unusual choices in the middle name spot. This way, you can have some familiarity with your uniqueness and the child can choose which one suits them better. Nolan is derived from an Irish surname  Ó Nualláin  meaning "descendant of Nuallán", which itself came from  nuall  meaning "noble, famous". Nolan dates back on record to the 1880s, but held steady for decades at a similar popularity. It started increasing in the 1990s, and entered the Top 100 in 2011. As of 2017, it ranked at #67. Nolan Maverick Nolan Marvel Nolan Colbalt Nolan Escher Nolan Ramsey Nolan Hawthorn Nolan Cordovan Nolan Sterling Nolan Quade Nolan Bingham Nolan Thackeray Nolan Wiley Nolan Lysander Nolan Huckleberry Nolan Peregrine Theodore  means "...

Name Search Report: Wilder, Gael, Milo and More Boy Names You Seek!

Behind the scenes, I am able to view the search terms, or keywords, that are entered into search engines that lead viewers here to my site. Often, people are searching for specific names. Some of these names I have already covered previously on other articles, but some of them are new. I thought it was about time that I addressed the names that people are actually looking for. This series will pull names directly from that Name Search Report and investigate closer. The current data that I am using to evaluate a name's popularity comes straight from the Social Security Administration's 2017 popular name database. And I will also include name meanings found via Here's our first group of boy names that you  wanted more information about. Asa  - Short, Biblical, Interesting... Asa is both bold but familiar for a boy today. It has always been in use, dating back on record to 1880, but it didn't truly catch on until a hundred years later. Since ...

Spunky, Modern Girl Name Combos!

While a lot of this could be subjective, the names on this list have a bit of a modern, spunky vibe.  Some could be somewhat unisex as well. Girls today are receiving more and more names that are beyond the scope of traditional, classic choices. Surname and occupational names are huge, unisex names or even boy-names-on-girls (BNOG) are gaining popularity, and many Irish names and word names are catching on. The following list was compiled by me in an effort to showcase some of the best modern names and offer ideas for first/middle combinations to anyone in the market for one: Mackenzie Hollis Riley Valentina Darcy Magnolia Hazel Kinsley Kennedy Lace Piper Connolly Mercy Willow Presley Morgan Addison Hadley Teagan Everly Bailey Summer Delaney Sloane Ashton Lindsay Reese Jessamine Cassidy Ryanne Paige Emerson Tatum Siobhan Kerrigan Fallon Sylvie Madigan Madison Serenity Berkley Joss Sable Amaya Taylor Felicity Whitley Harper Auden Bristol Finlay Marlowe...

Baby Names Ending with the Letters "-vy"

Continuing with our theme, today we will explore names ending with -vy. Most of these are very rare or unusual. Do you like any names ending with -vy?  Of course, I love Ivy, but some of these others are interesting too, like Livy, Navy, Savvy and Chevy! Ivy currently ranks at #108 for girls in 2017. Avy Bevy Elvy Evy Ivy Keavy Levy Livvy Livy Lovy Maevy Navy Rivy Savvy Savy Silvy Tavy Truvy Vivy Alvy Arvy Chevy Covy Davy Garvy Harvy Ivy Kevy Levy Navy Rivy Tavy Stevy Zavy Are there any others you can think of? Which do you like most?

National Color Day: Best Color Names for Modern Babies

October 22nd is known as National Color Day! Everyone has colors that they enjoy more than others. Do you have a favorite color? Do you love it so much that you would consider using it as a baby name? If so, you're not alone. Below is a list of potential color names. The first list is much more popular than the second, but they're all interesting in their own way. More Popular: Ruby (red)  is currently ranked as the 79th most popular name in the US for girls, as of 2017. Violet (purple)  is climbing the charts! As of 2017, it ranked at #48 for girls and will probably keep going. Hazel (brown)  popped into the Top 1000 in 1998, and the Top 100 in 2015! Currently at #43. Rose (pink)  is a timeless classic and has always ranked within the Top 400. Ranked #141 in 2017. Iris (purple) has always been around, but has been slowly climbing, putting it up to #149. Sienna (brown) wasn't used before the 1960s, and it hit the Top 1000 in 1995.  Currently at #...

Southern Boy Names for your Little Cowboy

What are your favorite "country western" or "mid-western" names for boys?  Which names might suit a little cowboy?  This is obviously going to be highly subjective, but it's fun to explore possibilities in this category. What do you think of this list?: Alden Ames Amos Anders Angus Ashley Aston Atkins Atticus Augustus Austin Avery Bailey Barnes Barrett Barrick Bayard Beau Bedford Benjamin Billy Blaine Blaze Bo Boone Brick Brooks Buddy Buford Calvin Cash Chance Clayton Colby Colt Dallas Daryl Davis Dawson Deacon Duke Earl Elliott Emmett Everett Fenton Finch Galen Garland Garth Goddard Grady Graham Granger Granville Greer Gunnar Hampton Hank Harley Harper Harrison Hayes Hollis Hoover Houston Huck Hunter Ignatius Ingram Jackson Jameson Jareth Jeb Jebediah Jed Jedidiah Jefferson Jenner Jennings Jeremiah Jody Johnson Jones Josiah Judson Junius Kade Kasey Keaton Kipling Knox...

Sweet, Sassy, Southern Names for Girls

What are your favorite "country western" or "mid-western" names for girls? Sweet, sassy, and southern mixed with hospitable charm. Which names might define that? This is obviously going to be highly subjective, but it's fun to explore possibilities in this category. What do you think of this list?: Abigail Adabelle Agnes Alice Aliza Althea Alma Amabel Amelia Amy Anna Annabelle Annie April Ashley Augusta Autumn Avril Bailey Bea Bess Bethany Betsy Blanche Blossom Blythe Bonnie Braelyn Callie Caroline Cassidy Celia Charlotte Clementine Constance Coralee Daisy Delilah Della Dixie Edie Eliza Eloise Emmylou Faith Florence Frances Frankie Georgia Glenda Glory Hadley Haley Hannah Harper Harriet Hazel Heather Heidi Henrietta Hillary Holly Ida Imogene Iris Ivy Jacqueline Jana Jeanne Jill Jocelyn Josephine Julia Justine Kassidy Katherine Kay Larissa Layla Leigh Leora Lilibeth Lucille Luella Lyla Macy Madeline Magnolia Maribel Mary Maxine May Mayella Molly Narvie Nel...

Girl Names Ending with the Letters "-ra"

We've been exploring different name endings based on specific letters lately. We saw -ina names for girls, and -ian names for boys. Last week we looked at boy names ending with -us. Today we will try our best to narrow it down for the letters "-ra".  Like the other series, I limited myself to only choosing one name per letter. Here are my 26 picks from A-Z. What would you pick? I also listed the ranks of those within the Top 1000, so as you can see, most of these names are rare picks! Audra Barbara  (#908) Cora   (#83) Deidra Electra Flora Ginevra Honora Indira Jara Keira   (#331) Lysandra Mara   (#670) Nora    (#28) Ophira Pandora Quorra Riviera Sierra    (#452) Theodora Uhura Vespera Wara Xantara Yadira Zamora Would you use any of these names?

Baby Names Ending with the Letters "-ty"

We are nearing the end of this series. We have already explored a number of names ending with -y. Now we move on to the -ty names.  There's a number of virtue names that end with -ty on this list. Do you like any of these? Girls: Amity Arrietty Betty Charity Chastity Christy Clarity Cristy Divinity Dotty Dusty Enity Esty Eternity Felicity Hatty Hetty Honesty Jonty Kaity Kassity Katy Kirsty Kitty Kristy Letty Liberty Marty Maty Minty Misty Modesty Patty Royalty Serendipity Serenity Tranquility Trinity Unity Vanity Verity Boys: Barty Coty Dusty Getty Infinity Jonty Marty Monty Moriaty Rafferty Reality Rusty Scotty Trinity Ty Vincenty Walenty Wincenty Pick a name or two and give them a middle name! Share in the comments!

26 Girl Names Ending With the Letters "-ina"

We previously looked at boy names ending with the letters "-ian" .  I swapped those letters around and found girl names ending with the letters "-ina". Do you have any favorites on this list? What about other names that aren't on this list but still end with "-ina"? Angelina Bettina Celina Delphina Emmelina Florentina Georgina Helaina Irina Josephina Kristina Leontina Martina Nicolina Olivina Paulina Quelina Regina Seraphina Trina Ursina Valentina Wilhelmina Xina Yekaterina Zarina Sometimes I make lists like this for fun, so naturally I decided to share. Have you ever challenged yourself to choose names fitting specific criteria? I often do this to sharpen my naming skills and discover new names.  Play along with me! Share your favorites in the comments!

26 Boy Names Ending with the Letters "-ian"

Sometimes I come up with fun "exercises" in naming to strengthen my skills. I thought it would be fun to find boy names ending with -ian for each letter of the alphabet. It was going well until I got to a few more troublesome letters.  Take a look at my list and tell me which are your favorites! Adrian Brian Christian Damian Elian Fabian Gian Hadrian Ian Julian Killian Lucian Maximilian Nerian Octavian Paulian Quillian Rhydian Sebastian Tavian Urian Vian Xadrian Yulian Zavian I may or may not have created a few of these. Specifically Paulian, Quillian, and Urian. Those were the only letters of which I could not find names ending with -ian, However, they sound like the could work just fine along with the others.  Can you find any established names starting with P, Q and U that could take their place?

Baby Names Ending with the Letters "-sy"

This series is nearing the end of the alphabet. With the letters -sy, we find several interesting names. Some of these are more on the nickname side, but usable nonetheless.  Are there any names below that you would considered? The most popular options are undoubtedly Daisy, Maisy and Tansy. Notice how there are many more options for females than males. Can you think of any others that could be added to the list? Girls: Bethsy Betsy Blessy Cassy Cessy Chrissy Cissy Crissy Daisy Deisy Dessy Elsy Gypsy Isy Jassy Jesy Jinsy Joisy Kassy Keisy Kelsy Krissy Lindsy Lissy Lynsy Maisy Mimsy Missy Pansy Patsy Posy Rosy Shannessy Sissy Susy Tansy Zissy Boys: Hennessy Jessy Massy Patsy Shaughnessy Sy Do you like any of these? Share your thoughts in the comments!  And view the other articles in this series focused on "name endings".

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