Taken from the list of The Very Best S Names for Boys and Girls is the interesting masculine name Soren. Let's learn more about it. Soren is a Scandinavian name that's starting to catch on with American parents today. There are three different ways to spell Soren . First, there's just the anglicized Soren which is typically pronounced Sorr-en. If you venture into Scandinavia, there's also the Danish and Norwegian form the name spelled Søren and pronounced more like SUU-ren. Derived from that is the form that the Swedes and Germans tend to prefer: Sören , also pronounced SUU-ren or ZUU-ren. No matter how it is accented, the name originally comes from Severinus which is a Roman family name derived from Severus meaning "stern" in Latin. This name has been well-used in Denmark. Just take a look at the long list of mostly Danish famous people on Nameberry. What about its popularity in America? Soren first appeared on record in the US in 1912 but it ...
An excellent resource for expecting parents. The Art of Naming has an expert consultant ready to help you find the perfect name. Can't decide what name to choose? Can't agree with your partner on the right name? Need an unbiased party to offer you name suggestions and help you narrow down your options? This blog offers name education and statistics that can inspire your naming process.