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Showing posts with the label initial challenge

How Well Did My Sibsets Match from My "Statehood Initial Challenge" Series? [Part Two of Two]

Finally, after three and a half years, the long-running Statehood Initial Challenge series has finished! In this series, I took the two-letter abbreviations of each state in the USA, and challenged you to use those two letters to name a boy and a girl. I played right along with you. After we covered 25 states, I listed all the sets of twins that I named throughout those two years of posts and found that I had repeated several of the names multiple times. I tried to avoid repeats for the 2nd half of the challenge, so let's see how I did. I posted these states in the order in which they gained official statehood, which means Delaware was first, Pennsylvania came next, then New Jersey and so on until we finally reached the 50th state of Hawaii.  Here's the first 25, which I previously posted here : 1. DE -   Dante Evander & Dahlia Emmeline 2. PA -   Pierce Averill & Posey Augusta 3. NJ -   Nash Julian & Nova Jessamine 4. GA -  Gregor Aug...

How Well Did My Sibsets Match from My "Statehood Initial Challenge" Series? [Part One]

Way back in January 2015, I began a little series on Instagram that featured the two-letter abbreviations of states within the USA. I started with Delaware, the very first state that was given official statehood, and then I continued on from there. This has been a very long and slow series, but finally, two years later, we've reached the halfway point. With each post, I would ask you to name a boy and a girl using those initials as the basis. And each time, I would also post my name choices for those letters. Let's take a look back and see how my impulse naming panned out. Over time, did I actually create a family tree of names that might match nicely? Or did those names vary greatly with each state? How many times might I have repeated a name? I'm willing to bet that my general naming style fluctuated greatly, but, if you've followed my blog since the beginning, perhaps you'd find me somewhat predictable. If you'd like to play along with this name game,...

Baby Naming Challenge! - Month Edition

This is the ultimate initial challenge! I do have to admit that I borrowed the idea from my friend over at nameddict.   I came across it at the perfect time since I was just about to post Tuesday's blog about month names. I found this challenge to be a genius idea that I hadn't seen before, and it is fun!  Imagine you have twelve babies to name and give it a try! Using the three-letter abbreviations for each month, come up with the perfect baby name using those letters as a first/middle/middle combo. There's a Y and 3 U's that will make it a bit tricky!  I will post my names below. Feel free to share yours in the comment section or on Facebook! My names: JAN: Johanna Adelaide Nell FEB: Frederick Evan Benedict MAR: Marius Alexander Rafferty APR: Amabel Penelope Rose MAY: Matilda Alice Yvonne JUN: Julius Ulrich Nathaniel JUL: Josephine Uma Lenore AUG: Alistair Ulysses George SEP: Sebastian Evander Paul OCT: Octavia Claire Tamsin NOV: Nadia Olive Valent...

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