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Showing posts with the label just for fun

10 Names That Are Super Fun To Write In Cursive

Kids today have so much technology at their disposal that most of them probably don't write nearly as often as us older folks did. I don't know about you but when I grew up, cursive was still very much a thing. I remember having to practice each letter over and over again until I got them right. My favorite letters, of course, were the loopiest ones like f, g, l,  p, and y. I remember doodling all over my binders wishing that my name had loopier letters in it. When my name didn't satisfy, I began writing the names of my friends, my classmates, my family members and my crushes instead. These days, everything is so digital that I can't remember the last time I actually pulled out a pen and paper and got my loop on. Since I was thinking about it, I started to wonder which names would be the most fun to write. I'm sure there are tons of great options out there but I picked my 10 favorite names to write: 1.  This interesting and rare boy name has so m...

Baby Naming Challenge - Celestial Edition

To conclude this starry, starry couple of weeks we've had, I propose a little baby naming challenge. It is a simple initial related game that should bring about a good variety of name options and fun combinations. Take a look at the three sibling sets below and decide for yourself which names you'd choose. I added my choices at the bottom. Have fun! Set of Twins: STAR Boy's initials are ST Girl's initials are AR What are their names? Set of Twins: MOON Girl's initials are MO Girl's initials are ON What are their names? Set of Triplets: PLANET Boy's initials are PL Boy's initials are AN Girl's initials are ET What are their names? My choices: Set 1: Sebastian Theodore & Aveline Ramona Set 2: Mabel Olivia & Odette Nova Set 3: Philip Lucas, Arthur Nathaniel & Ella Tamsin Which names would you go with? Share your choices in the comment section or join the chatter on Facebook!

Baby Naming Challenge - Unisex Edition

This game will follow a "name bank" format. You will be given a set of names to choose from. Create a first and middle name combination for three children. These children will all have a unisex first name based on the list of unisex names that I posted earlier this week! 1A. Your first child is a boy. Choose from one of the following unisex names for his first name: Alexis, Armani, Carter, Dakota, Drew, Elliot, Ellison, Finley, Haven, Jamie, Jordan, Kendall, Lyric, Morgan, Payton, Quinn, Remy, Rory, Sage, Skyler, Taylor 1B. Choose from the following vintage names for his middle name: Arthur, Barnaby, Chester, Edmund, Franklin, George, Howard, Irving, Jasper, Louis, Milton, Oscar, Percy, Raymond, Samuel, Theodore, Virgil, Walter And baby boy number one's name is.....? 2A. Your second child is a boy. Choose from one of the following unisex names for his first name: Amari, Avery, Casey, Dallas, Dylan, Elliott, Emerson, Harley, Hayden, Jaylin, Justice, Lennon...

Baby Naming Challenge - Car Edition

For your challenge today, you will be naming three hypothetical siblings! This past Tuesday, we saw a list of baby names stolen by big car companies and we learned all about the name Ford a couple days ago. In honor of "car week," I want you to think about your vehicle history when choosing the names for the challenge. If that sounds crazy, just bear with me a moment. As a visual aid, here's a short breakdown of vehicle makes and models just in case you're not sure: Make = Name of Company (Ford, GMC, Toyota, Nissan, Dodge etc) Model = The "brand" of the car. Sometimes this is just a letter or number, or a word or name. If you've never owned your own car, use that of your parents or partner.  Okay, here we go: Baby #1  If the make of your first car starts with A-L, you're having a boy! If it starts with M-Z it's a girl!  Take the first letter of the make of your car and use it for the first name of the baby. If the model of your c...

Baby Naming Challenge! - Month Edition

This is the ultimate initial challenge! I do have to admit that I borrowed the idea from my friend over at nameddict.   I came across it at the perfect time since I was just about to post Tuesday's blog about month names. I found this challenge to be a genius idea that I hadn't seen before, and it is fun!  Imagine you have twelve babies to name and give it a try! Using the three-letter abbreviations for each month, come up with the perfect baby name using those letters as a first/middle/middle combo. There's a Y and 3 U's that will make it a bit tricky!  I will post my names below. Feel free to share yours in the comment section or on Facebook! My names: JAN: Johanna Adelaide Nell FEB: Frederick Evan Benedict MAR: Marius Alexander Rafferty APR: Amabel Penelope Rose MAY: Matilda Alice Yvonne JUN: Julius Ulrich Nathaniel JUL: Josephine Uma Lenore AUG: Alistair Ulysses George SEP: Sebastian Evander Paul OCT: Octavia Claire Tamsin NOV: Nadia Olive Valent...

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