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Showing posts with the label baby name advice

Baby Naming Consultation Services Help Expecting Parents Find (And Agree On) A Name for Their Baby for a Surprisingly Low Price!

Service Review: The Art of Naming – A Personalized Baby Naming Experience by: Fiona Kerrington September 2024 Naming a baby is one of the most significant decisions new parents face. From balancing family traditions to finding a name that feels right for the future, the process can feel overwhelming.  Enter The Art of Naming , a baby-naming service that has been helping parents find the perfect name since 2013. As someone who recently experienced this service, I’m eager to share how this expert-driven approach can bring clarity and confidence to the baby-naming journey. What is The Art of Naming? The Art of Naming is designed to help parents who may be struggling to choose a baby name. Whether it’s finding a name that fits with your last name, needing a fresh perspective, or finding a balance between personal preferences and family influences, this service has you covered. With a detailed, thoughtful process, the expert behind the service offers personalized recommendations tailore...

To Honor or Not to Honor: 7 Instances When You Should NOT Use a Family Name

For many years all around the world, it was the norm to hand names down generation after generation. In many cultures, it was traditional to use family names. Sometimes there were even patterns laid out for determining which child gets which relative's name. Times have changed a bit but even modern parents find themselves considering whether or not they'll honor a relative. There are times when the honoree is a wonderful role model for the child and passing down their name is natural for the parents. The child gets the chance to feel a connection to their family's past and no doubt that honored relative is thrilled! However, there are other instances when honoring someone just doesn't feel right. How do you know when you should and when you shouldn't honor a relative? It isn't easy when familial pressure sets in, especially when there are traditions in place that you're expected to follow like if your husband is the fourth, do you have  to make y...

Baby Naming 101: Spell It Right!

In the never-ending quest to be unique, some parents today think the best way to do that is to use "kreeaytiv" spellings. I'm going to flat-out say it: spelling a name incorrectly is not cute.  Yes, I'm calling it "incorrect" not "creative." If you think I'm being harsh, I apologize, but I know that many of my fellow name-bloggers would back me up on this. Professor Kara is in the classroom. Ponder for a minute. What are you doing to your child? Yes, it might seem cute to see a baby named Braylynn or Kaedynn, but what happens when they grow up and need to apply for a professional job? There are people who argue that a name should have nothing to do with their intelligence and credentials for said job, but could you really imagine the President of the United States being named Aiedynn Kristhian Smith when Aidan Christian Smith would be so much nicer? Imagine 50-60 years from now when a whole new flock of babies are being born (hopefull...

Mom-To-Mom: What Would You Name This Child?

Hello Moms and Name-Enthusiasts! Here is another baby-naming dilemma that could use a bit more input!  The mom-to-be is looking for the following: Girl name beginning with either W, P or Q.  Feminine but does NOT begin or end with a vowel. Avoid the Top 100 names. Longer first name with a one syllable middle name. Middle name cannot start with an A. The last name is also one syllable. Right now, the priority is to find a name that ends with a consonant sound that mom and dad can agree on. Their naming styles seems to differ. He likes common and classic whereas she is a bit more adventurous.  They have two children with somewhat classic names, but she is not concerned at all about finding a name to "match". Liked names: Quinn Gwen Willow (despite vowel ending) Pippa  (despite vowel ending) Whitney What other names would you suggest? I've sent plenty of options and am waiting for another reply once she has a chance to talk with her husband but I th...

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