Hello Moms and Name-Enthusiasts! Here is another baby-naming dilemma that could use a bit more input! The mom-to-be is looking for the following:
- Girl name beginning with either W, P or Q.
- Feminine but does NOT begin or end with a vowel.
- Avoid the Top 100 names.
- Longer first name with a one syllable middle name.
- Middle name cannot start with an A.
- The last name is also one syllable.
Liked names:
Willow (despite vowel ending)
Pippa (despite vowel ending)
What other names would you suggest? I've sent plenty of options and am waiting for another reply once she has a chance to talk with her husband but I thought I'd open this up to all of you name-lovers and see what ideas we can compile for her!
P.S. If you have a baby naming dilemma too, check out this page.
Pauline Eve
Winter Rose, Persis Claire, Willabelle Plum.
I can't think of a feminine name starting with Q ending with a consonant offhand - there's always unisex Quentin.