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Showing posts with the label by letter

Baby Names Ending with the Letters "-vy"

Continuing with our theme, today we will explore names ending with -vy. Most of these are very rare or unusual. Do you like any names ending with -vy?  Of course, I love Ivy, but some of these others are interesting too, like Livy, Navy, Savvy and Chevy! Ivy currently ranks at #108 for girls in 2017. Avy Bevy Elvy Evy Ivy Keavy Levy Livvy Livy Lovy Maevy Navy Rivy Savvy Savy Silvy Tavy Truvy Vivy Alvy Arvy Chevy Covy Davy Garvy Harvy Ivy Kevy Levy Navy Rivy Tavy Stevy Zavy Are there any others you can think of? Which do you like most?

Baby Names Ending with the Letters "-ty"

We are nearing the end of this series. We have already explored a number of names ending with -y. Now we move on to the -ty names.  There's a number of virtue names that end with -ty on this list. Do you like any of these? Girls: Amity Arrietty Betty Charity Chastity Christy Clarity Cristy Divinity Dotty Dusty Enity Esty Eternity Felicity Hatty Hetty Honesty Jonty Kaity Kassity Katy Kirsty Kitty Kristy Letty Liberty Marty Maty Minty Misty Modesty Patty Royalty Serendipity Serenity Tranquility Trinity Unity Vanity Verity Boys: Barty Coty Dusty Getty Infinity Jonty Marty Monty Moriaty Rafferty Reality Rusty Scotty Trinity Ty Vincenty Walenty Wincenty Pick a name or two and give them a middle name! Share in the comments!

26 Girl Names Ending With the Letters "-ina"

We previously looked at boy names ending with the letters "-ian" .  I swapped those letters around and found girl names ending with the letters "-ina". Do you have any favorites on this list? What about other names that aren't on this list but still end with "-ina"? Angelina Bettina Celina Delphina Emmelina Florentina Georgina Helaina Irina Josephina Kristina Leontina Martina Nicolina Olivina Paulina Quelina Regina Seraphina Trina Ursina Valentina Wilhelmina Xina Yekaterina Zarina Sometimes I make lists like this for fun, so naturally I decided to share. Have you ever challenged yourself to choose names fitting specific criteria? I often do this to sharpen my naming skills and discover new names.  Play along with me! Share your favorites in the comments!

26 Boy Names Ending with the Letters "-ian"

Sometimes I come up with fun "exercises" in naming to strengthen my skills. I thought it would be fun to find boy names ending with -ian for each letter of the alphabet. It was going well until I got to a few more troublesome letters.  Take a look at my list and tell me which are your favorites! Adrian Brian Christian Damian Elian Fabian Gian Hadrian Ian Julian Killian Lucian Maximilian Nerian Octavian Paulian Quillian Rhydian Sebastian Tavian Urian Vian Xadrian Yulian Zavian I may or may not have created a few of these. Specifically Paulian, Quillian, and Urian. Those were the only letters of which I could not find names ending with -ian, However, they sound like the could work just fine along with the others.  Can you find any established names starting with P, Q and U that could take their place?


From our previous article listing names ending with the letters "-sy" , we find a diamond in the rough. The most popular name on the list is Daisy.   This pretty name is directly related to the flower. However, it also derives from the Old English word  dægeseage meaning "day eye".  Daisies  belong to one of the largest families of plants in the world. Often they have a yellow center and come in a variety of colors, with white being perhaps the most common. . By böhringer friedrich - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5 Sometimes Daisy is used as a nickname for Margaret. It happened in a round-about way due to the French name Marguerite becoming associated with the daisy in French. Margaret means "pearl" in Greek, and daisies were considered "pearls of the field" or "marguerites".  So Marguerite, and the Spanish Margarita, gained association with Daisy and Daisy became a nickname for Margaret. In pop-culture, there is the animated Daisy...

Updated: My Favorite Names Per Letter and How They Changed From 2010 to 2018

Being the "Name Nerd" that I am, I have been keeping a list of my favorite names per letter on a yearly basis. I recently compiled these lists and sorted them out alphabetically and chronologically. I started making the list back in 2010, the year I got married and we started pondering names for potential future children. We had a son in 2012 and a daughter in 2014 whose names made the list. I have continued to keep track of my favorite names since then, and will continue to do so, but after 8 years of this, I decided it would be fun to share my choices. I wanted to see how time has drastically changed my style for some letters, and yet has been untouchable for other letters. I have just finished posting these weekly on my Instagram if you would like to browse there and see my thoughts and explanations per letter. Here we go: 2010:  Bailey, Braden 2011: Brynna, Bennett 2012: Blythe, Brennan 2013: Bridget, Benedict 2014: Bryony, Benedict 2015: Bellamy, Bertram 2016...

Names Ending with the Letters "-my"

We're halfway through our collection of names ending with the letter -y. We've seen plenty of common and rare names along the way as we've cruised through the alphabet. Next we will explore the few but interesting names ending with the letters -my. This series doesn't always feature a plethora of name options since these endings are more on the unusual side, but that's the beauty of it. How often have you stopped to think about names ending with these specific letters? Perhaps never. However, if someone is looking for that exact sound or letter combination with a sentimental purpose behind it, this list is sure to help. Take a look at the list below and share your thoughts in the comments. Can you think of any names that could be added? Girls: Aemy Alchemy Amy Bellamy Cammy Emmy Emy Jemmy Jessamy Jessemy Keimy Kimmy Kymmy My Naomy Nomy Remy Romy Stormy Tammy Boys: Barthelemy Bellamy Jeramy Jeremy Jeromy Jimmy Ptolemy Ramy ...

Names Ending With The Letters"-ky"

We've covered nearly half the alphabet already. Sure, there are some letters that just won't fit into this category, so we have skipped a few of them. But here we are, arriving at letter K for a compilation of "-ky" names! How many can you name off the top of your head? Luckily, you don't have to since I did the legwork for you! I even went so far as to include names ending with "-kie" since the choices were slim for "-ky" names.  Enjoy: Girls: Becky   Jacky Lucky Nicky Pinky Ricky Sky Suky Vicky Beckie Cookie Frankie Jackie Lockie Markie Mickie Nickie Pinkie Rickie Rivkie Saskie Sookie Sukie Vickie Boys:   Chucky Dicky Franky Jacky Ky Melky Nicky Ricky Rocky Sky Starsky Dickie Frankie Mackie Mickie Nickie Rickie Can you think of any that I missed? Would you use any of these?

Names Ending with the Letters "-ey"

We've explored letters A-D so far in this "ends with -y" series. Today's list is perhaps one of the most plentiful. It was difficult to narrow it down to only the best options that end with the letters "-ey". The names below all have their endings in common, but they differ greatly in terms of style and popularity. Let's play a little game with these names. Let's suppose that you are having triplets and you have your heart set on cutesy rhyming names for them. Choose three that you like most, and give them their own middle names. You can choose either the gender combinations.  Have fun! Girls: Adley Abbey Ainsley Ansley Ashley Aubrey Audrey Bailey Briley Brinley Britney Carley Casey Courtney Delaney Destiney Finley Gracey Greenley Hadley Hailey Haley Harley Hayley Jacey Journey Kailey Kaley Karley Kasey Kayley Kelsey Kenley Kiley Kinley Kinsley Lacey Lainey Laney Lindsey Linley Macey Marley McKinle...

Names Ending with the Letters "-dy"

Up until now, we've discovered names ending with the letters -ay, -by and -cy. Now it is time to explore -dy ending names. It's sometimes difficult to do specific searches for names with specific criteria so I thought I'd compile some of the best -dy names that I could find. Can you think of any others? Girls: Addy Biddy Brandy Cady Candy Carmindy Cassidy Cindy Goldy Haddy Haidy Heidy Hildy Indy Jody Judy Kady Kandy Kassidy Kennedy Lady Liddy Lindy Maddy Mady Mandy Melody Mindy Randy Rhapsody Rudy Sandy Teddy Trudy Wendy Windy Zandy Boys: Andy Brady Brody Buddy Cassidy Claudy Cody Eddy Freddy Gennady Grady Hardy Huddy Indy Jody Jordy Kassidy Kennedy Kody Mardy Randy Roddy Rowdy Rudy Sandy Teddy Woody Do you spot any new favorites from this list? Would you use any? <-- Names ending with "-cy"  |||   Names ending with "-ey"  -->

Names Ending with the Letters "-cy"

This is a very specific series. We are taking the time to look for names ending in specific letters. We already looked at "-ay" names and "-by" names. Now we are going to investigate all the possible names ending with the letters "-cy".  There could be more out there in other languages around the world but these are some of the best options for an American kid. Which do you like best?  Can you think of any others that could be added? Girls: Cecy Clancy Clemency D'Arcy Dacy Darcy Delancy Jacy Kacy Lacy Lucy Macy Marcy Mercy Nancy Quincy Stacy Tacy Tancy Tracy Valancy Boys: Chancy Clancy Cy Darcy Delancy Ignacy Jency Legacy Percy Piercy Quincy Stacy Tracy Yancy Share your thoughts on these names in the comments below! Take a look at our other articles: <--- "-by" names ||| "-dy" names --->


Today we're featuring the name Finlay to go along with our recent post about the best names ending with "-ay". Finlay is the anglicized form of the Gaelic name Fionnlagh. It means "white warrior" from the elements fionn "white, fair" and laogh "warrior". It was originally a masculine given name and also a surname. Alternatively, the name can also be spelled Finley, which is the more common spelling. Recently, Finley ranked #36 in England/Wales while Finlay ranked #99. Finlay was #12 in Scotland. The spelling Finley has always been in use in the US since records began in 1880, but it was far from common. It wasn't until 2006 that the name even entered the Top 1000 at #890. As of 2014, it ranks at #374 for boys. Additionally, it is considered unisex in America. There were also girls given the name Finley for a rank of #223. This is the more common spelling for both genders. Finlay has only been used for a boy in the US since 199...

Names Ending with the Letters "-ay"

Welcome to a new mini-series featuring specific name endings. This list will explore the various names that end with the letters "-ay". The next article in the series will take a look at "-by" names, followed by "-cy" names, etc. If you are searching for a specific sound and cannot find all that many options, allow me to assist you. This list of names ending with '-ay" is as neatly comprehensive as possible with only the most usable names on it.  There many be other spellings that lend to a similar sound but we are focusing primarily on the spelling. Can you think of any names that I may have missed? If not, tell me which of these you like most. Girls: Bay Chardonnay Day Fay Finlay Friday Gray Halliday Holiday Holliday Islay Ismay Janay Jenay Kay Lindsay Lyndsay May Saray Shay Sunday Tueday Wednesday Boys: Ajay Barclay Bay Callaway Carvay Cejay Chay Clay Conway Deontay Dontay Findlay Finlay Gray Jay ...


Our final featured name for this alphabetical name series is the female name Zoey. Did you get a chance to view the final list of The Very Best Z Names for Boys and Girls earlier this week? The name Zoey is actually a variant of Zoe. Interestingly, while Zoe has been in use in the US since before 1880, Zoey has only been around since 1967. Despite that, Zoey is the more popular spelling today. Both names are currently ranking within the Top 40 though. Zoey joined the Top 1000 chart in 1995 and entered the Top 100 in 2008. Now, as of 2014, Zoey is the 22nd most popular name in the country with over 7,300 female births. Zoe peaked quicker, entering the Top 1000 in 1983. By 2000, Zoe was the 82nd most popular girl name. Even though Zoey has surpassed Zoe, Zoe still ranks at #32 in 2014 with over 5,800 births. After breaking down those American popularity statistics, which name do you prefer? If you're not sure, let's take a closer look at the names. Zoe is a Greek na...

The Very Best Z Names for Boys and Girls

At last, we have arrived at the very end of the alphabet. I appreciate all of you who have stuck with me this long. It took a year and three months to finish the entire series!  Now, let's look at the zippy letter Z! Along with the rest of the tail-end letters, Z names are rather few and far between when compared to the letters at the start of the alphabet. However, that doesn't mean that there are unappealing options. Far from it! Z names are mostly bold, interesting and unusual but there are a few classics in there like Zachary, Zachariah and Zoe.  Which of these 50 Z names for boys and girls do you like most?  Zahara Zaila Zaire Zamora Zandra Zanna Zara Zariah Zarina Zasha Zaviera Zelda Zelia Zendaya Zenon Zia Zinnia Zion Zoe Zoey Zola Zora Zoraya Zorina Zuri Zacchaeus Zachariah Zachary Zaiden Zaire Zale Zander Zane Zavier Zealand Zebadiah Zebedee Zed Zeke Zelig Zenith Zenon Zephaniah Zephyr Zeppel...

The Very Best Y Names for Boys and Girls

Let's face it. There just aren't very many popular Y names. You occasionally hear them, my own middle name starts with a Y, but as a whole, Y names just aren't hitting the spot for mainstream parents. Isn't that something we should change?  There are many more names that start with Y out there than I even thought there were. I found a couple hundred per gender to browse through which means this letter has enormous potential if only someone would get the trend going. If you're into the unique and unusual, this letter can be your best friend! Take a look at the 25 Y names for girls and the 25 Y names for boys that I picked out and let me know which ones you love most! Yadira Yaella Yamileth Yara Yareli Yaretzi Yasmine Yeardley Yelena Yesenia Ygritte Ynez Yohanna Yolanda Yoselin Yosephina Ysabel Ysadora Yseult Ysolde Yuliana Yulisa Yveline Yvette Yvonne Yale Yannick Yarden Yardley Yarley Yarrow Yasser Yates Yeardley Y...

The Very Best X Names for Boys and Girls

We have covered the letter X before on The Art of Naming. We pondered some "Xcellent" underused names for boys and girls . We also listed out names for boys that contain the letter X , as well as a list for girl names with an X in them.  This letter typically gives names an edge. They tend to be rather bold and interesting. Today we'll look at some of the very best names that start with X. I handpicked 25 for each gender for a total of 50 awesome names. Is X your favorite letter? Are you looking for something unusual, unique and interesting? This list is for you! Xabrina Xalvadora Xandra Xantara Xanthe Xanthippe Xaria Xavienna Xaviera Xavierre Xena Xenaida Xenia Xenobia Xeraphina Xevera Xeveria Xia Xiamara Ximena Xiomara Xochitl Xola Xolani Xylia Xachary Xadrian Xaime Xalvador Xan Xanadu Xander Xannon Xanthos Xanthus Xanto Xarles Xavian Xaviell Xavier Xavion Xenon Xenos Xerxes Xhaiden Ximenes Xola Xuan X...

The Very Best W Names for Boys and Girls

As you continue your search for the perfect name, I'd like to ask you to take a moment and consider using a name that starts with the letter W. We're nearing the end of the alphabet so if you've been following this series and you haven't found a winner yet, this might finally be the list for you. The letter W has a good variety of names. There's the more proper ones like William and Winston for boys, and the more whimsical options like Waterlily or Wintress for girls. There should be a little bit of something for everyone here. Tell me in the comments, did I miss any good W names that you enjoy? Of the ones featured below, which name catches your eye the most? Wanda Waterlily Waverly Wednesday    Wendy Whisper Whitley Whitney Wilda Wilhelmina Willa Willamena Willene Willow Wilma Wilmet Windsor Winifred Winnie Winona Winter Wintress Wren Wylie Wynne Wade Walker Walter Warren Watson Waylon Wayne Wendell Wesley Wes...

The Very Best V Names for Boys and Girls

The letter V is trending these days within popular names like Ava and Evelyn for girls. It's been a constant for boys in the name David. Both genders love Avery as the top unisex name. What about names that start with the letter V? Victoria still ranks well and Violet and Valentina are trending upward for girls. Vincent is just outside the top 100 for boys with Victor not far behind. Are you a fan of the letter V? If you are, surely you'll enjoy this great list of the 25 best V names for girls and 25 for boys.  Did I miss any of your favorite V names? Vale Valencia Valentina Valerie Vanessa Vanna Vella Velvet Venus Verity Veronica Vesper Victoria Vida Vienna Vincenza Viola Violet Violetta Virginia Viveca Vivian Viviana Vivienne Vrai Vadden Valdemar Valentino Valor Van Vance Vander Vasily Vaughn Verne Vernon Vicente Victor Vidal Viggo Vin Vince Vincent Vincenzo Vinny Virgil Vitaly Vito Vladimir Voyer W...

The Very Best U Names for Boys and Girls

Imagine an alternate universe where the alphabet was arranged differently. I surmise that people love the letter A so much because it is #1, but what if it wasn't?  What if the letter U came first? What if there were an abundance of favorable baby names that began with the letter U? What if common A names had their spellings changed to start with U and everyone loved them? If that is hard to imagine, perhaps you should take a moment to stop and smell the U-scented roses. There is a surprising amount of lovely names that begin with this under-appreciated letter. I narrowed it down to the best I could find. Here are the 50 best boy and girl names that start with the letter U: Ujana Ulani Ulla Ulyana Ulyciana Uma Umay Umeko Umi Umika Ummi Una Unique Unity Ura Urania Uriela Urja Ursa Ursula Usra Utari Uttara Uva Uzuri Uba Uchenna Uday Udell Ugo Ulmer Ulrich Ulysses Umberto Umed Umi Unique Uorsin Upton Urbain Urban Urbano Uri...

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