For your challenge today, you will be naming three hypothetical siblings! This past Tuesday, we saw a list of baby names stolen by big car companies and we learned all about the name Ford a couple days ago. In honor of "car week," I want you to think about your vehicle history when choosing the names for the challenge. If that sounds crazy, just bear with me a moment. As a visual aid, here's a short breakdown of vehicle makes and models just in case you're not sure: Make = Name of Company (Ford, GMC, Toyota, Nissan, Dodge etc) Model = The "brand" of the car. Sometimes this is just a letter or number, or a word or name. If you've never owned your own car, use that of your parents or partner. Okay, here we go: Baby #1 If the make of your first car starts with A-L, you're having a boy! If it starts with M-Z it's a girl! Take the first letter of the make of your car and use it for the first name of the baby. If the model of your c...
An excellent resource for expecting parents. The Art of Naming has an expert consultant ready to help you find the perfect name. Can't decide what name to choose? Can't agree with your partner on the right name? Need an unbiased party to offer you name suggestions and help you narrow down your options? This blog offers name education and statistics that can inspire your naming process.