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Fabulous Names from Netflix's "The Witcher" Series

We have recently started watching Netflix's The Witcher and I was instantly mesmerized by the names of the characters. I'm a sucker for the unusual. I may not use most of these for a real life child, but I do appreciate them in a fantastical fiction.  I made a list of them for your browsing pleasure: Male: Geralt Jaskier Istredd Cahir Dara Eist Lazlo Filavandrel Torque Foltest Danek Artorius Korin Fletcher Anton Nettly Yurga Eyck Chireadan Zigrin Adonis Hemet Remus Tsoka Filip Yannick Atlan Mikal Peregrine Nonim Vyr Female: Ciri Yennefer Triss Calanthe Fringilla Tissaia Sabrina Vanielle Danica Renfri Eithne Zola Tiffania Pavetta Toruviel Anica Marilka Téa Véa Kalis Fola Glacella Marites Sancia Isadora Adda Lilja Coral Kaveri Aridea There's definitely a few in there that would be suitable for a child, but the rest are truly just fun. Which do you like?

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