This awesome photo was borrowed from this awesome blog. I do not normally recommend place names unless you've personally been to that place and it holds sentimental value for you, or your family hails from there. That being said, here is a long list of places around the world that could work as a first name. Boy and Girl options are mixed together. Please keep in mind that some places are nicer than others and some places have strong history associated with it. Do your research carefully before you commit to using any of these names. Abilene Adelaide Africa Alabama Alamo Albany Andorra Aquitaine Arabia Aragon Argentina Aspen Asia Assisi Atlanta Austin Austria Avalon Baja Berlin Bimini Bolivia Boston Brasilia Brazil Bristol Brooklyn Bronx Cairo Calais Caledonia Camden Carolina Caspian Catalina Cathay Cayman Ceylon Charleston Charlotte Chelsea Cheyenne China Cluny Colombia Corsica Cuba Cyprus Dakota Dallas Danube ...
An excellent resource for expecting parents. The Art of Naming has an expert consultant ready to help you find the perfect name. Can't decide what name to choose? Can't agree with your partner on the right name? Need an unbiased party to offer you name suggestions and help you narrow down your options? This blog offers name education and statistics that can inspire your naming process.