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Showing posts with the label girl names

The Very Best H Names for Boys and Girls

Imagine for a moment that you've got a situation like the Duggar Family  but your favorite letter is H. It can be difficult to find one name that you like, but to find many names that all start with one letter? That would be quite the challenge! You may not end up with 19 kids like the Duggars, but if you were to opt for using all H names, this list happens to contain the 50 best H-Names around! With 25 girl names and 25 boy names, this list should offer more than enough options for your family of Hs. In the comments below, be sure to share which names you like most that start with the letter H. Did your favorites make the list? Hadassah                             Hadley Hailey Halle Hannah Harlow Harmony Harper Harriet Hattie Havana Hayden Heather Heidi Helen Helena Heloise Hermione Hilary Hollis Holly Honor Honora Hope Hyacinth Hadrian Hamish Hans Harley Har...

The Very Best G Names for Boys and Girls

If you're determined to find the perfect name that begins with the letter G, you've come to the right place. There's no need to browse through every G name in existence when the best of the best are listed right here for you! Below are 25 great G names for girls and 25 for boys, too! If you were to name all of your children with a G name, which names would you choose? Are there any G names that you like more than these that you wish made the cut? Which would you remove from the list? Share all of your thoughts in the comments below! Gabrielle                 Gaia Gemma Genesis Geneva Genevieve Georgia Georgina Gertrude Ghislaine Giada Gianna Gillian Ginger Giovanna Giselle Giulia Gloria Grace Greer Gretchen Guinevere Gwen Gwendolyn Gwyneth Gabriel Gage Gaius Gareth Garrett Garth Gary Gavin Gentry Geoffrey George Gerald Gerard Gianni Gideon Giovanni Gordon Graham Grant Gregory Greyson G...


The beautiful, feminine name Flora is brought to you today in light of our previous post that featured The Very Best F Names for Boys and Girls. As a name, Flora has been in use since the Renaissance era in France. Diminutives of the name include Flo, Floretta, Florrie and Floella. In Dutch, Flora is known as Floor or Floortje. The French call her Flore and Florette, Hungarians say Flóra while the Welsh use Fflur. Flora could be used as a nickname for Florence but the two aren't actually related since they come from different roots. Another similar name is Fleur which is French for Flower; there's also Fleurette, a diminutive of Fleur. Flora It's no surprise that this lovely name comes from the Latin word flos meaning "flower".  Flora was the goddess of flowers and the season of spring according to Roman mythology. She was the wife of Favonius, who was the west wind and bringer of light spring and early summer breezes. This couple's Greek equival...

Annabelle, Juliette & Tessa: The Best Double-Letter Girl Names

Naming traditions come in a variety of forms. Perhaps everyone in your family has a name with double-letters within it and you're looking for a name that hasn't been taken yet. There are hundreds of names out there that will fit this criteria but to simplify the process, this article lists up to ten of the best names per letter. Below are some of the most attractive names for baby girls that contain double letters. Be sure to follow the links below for a list that's even more extensive than this one. Which of the follow names do you like the most? Do you have a favorite double letter? A: Aaliyah B: Abbey, Abbigail, Abby, Bobbie, Debbie, Gabby, Libby, Robbin, Tabby, Tabbitha C: Accalia, Becca, Rebecca, Ricci, Toccara D: Addalyn, Addie, Addison, Edda, Haddasha, Haddie, Hedda, Maddalena, Maddie, Siddalee E: Aimee, Cathleen, Desiree, Eileen, Greer, Jubilee, Leela, Maureen, Reese, Teegan Click here to view a more extensive list of Double-E names for girls! ...

Blooming Springtime Names for Baby Girls

Today is the first day of spring and what is spring without flowers and sunshine? If you're expecting a baby girl this season, perhaps you are searching for the perfect name to fit the occasion.  Look no further than this list! There are plenty of applicable nature names that would be beautiful on a spring-born baby girl. Here are some of the lovelier options: Amaryllis Azalea Aya - "bird" Beryl - A sea-green stone Birdie Blossom Bluebell Brooke Calla Chloe - "Green shoot" Daffodil Dahlia Daisy Dawn Deborah - "bee" Emerald Fleur Flora Hyacinth Iris Ivy Jade - A green stone Lilac Lily Magnolia Orchid Peony Peridot - A green stone Petunia Phyllida - "Green bough" Poppy Primrose Rain Robin Rose Spring Sunny Sunshine Tulip Violet Here are other ideas relating to spring, newness, and Easter that would apply and make for less-obvious but still lovely springtime names: Anastasia - "Resurrection...


Inspired by this week's article featuring The Very Best D Names for Boys and Girls , we will be taking a closer look at the name Daphne, pronounced DAFF-nee.  This lovely Greek name means "laurel" which is a flower. Laurels are often used in circular wreaths, one of which was worn on top of the head of Apollo in Greek mythology. According to the legend, a beautiful female nymph named Daphne gained the unwanted attention of Apollo and was turned into a laurel tree by her father in order to escape Apollo's advances. Apollo is associated with laurels because of his desire for Daphne. As a baby name, Daphne has been in use in the US since 1886. While it has never been popular, it had one large spike in usage in 1962. In that year, 1,131 girls were given the name which ranked it at #266.  Usage declined through the 1980s but suddenly climbed again in 2001. As of 2013, Daphne is on the rise with 770 births and a ranking of #397. This is the best the name h...

The Very Best D Names for Boys and Girls

Go ahead and put that baby name book down. Close all of your browser tabs, too. You don't need them anymore! It's true, you've been hunting for a wonderful name starting with D to honor a few relatives whose names also begin with D, but you haven't found the right one yet. Look no further! This is your list!! I present to you 50 of the best D names for boys and girls!  These names range from common to unusual but they are all delightful. Which do you like best? If you had to delete one name from each list, what would you replace them with? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!  Dagny                        Daisy Dahlia Danae Danica Danielle Daphne Darcy Davina Dawn Deanna Dierdre Delaney Delilah Delphina Demetria Desdemona Desiree Diana Dianthe Dixie Dorothea Dorothy Dulce Dulcinea Dalton Damian Daniel Dante Darius Darren Dashiell David Dax Dawson ...

The Very Best C Names for Boys and Girls

So you're expecting a baby soon. Congratulations! What name will you choose?  If you're still a bit stumped in that regard, perhaps you'll enjoy this simplified list of ideas. In this series of posts, I cut out a lot of the work for you. I'm saving you from hours of browsing through endless lists of thousands of baby names. Here you'll find fifty of the best names that start with the letter C. That's 25 per gender and there's a little bit of something for everyone. These mostly follow American ideals but they can also work abroad. As a fan of C names, you'll surely find one that you love. Go on, take a look: Cadence                        Caitlin Calista Calliope Camille Cara Caroline Cassandra Catherine Cecelia Celeste Celine Charlotte Cheyenne Christina Claire Claudia Clementine Colette Constance Cordelia Corinne Cosette Courtney Cynthia Caesar Caius Caleb Calvin Cam...

Presidental Baby Names

Today is President's Day in the US! In honor of this, it's time to take a look at the best (and worst) presidential first and last names. At the very bottom, there's also a list of all the names of the country's first ladies. Whether you live in the US or not, surely you can appreciate the names on this list! Without discussing politics, share your thoughts in the comments about which baby name you like (or hate) the most. Would you ever use any of these? Have you already? The following Presidential first names are most usable for a modern baby: Abraham Andrew Benjamin Franklin George Harry James John Martin Richard Theodore Thomas William Zachary These first names aren't as common as the above, but they could still work on the right child: Barack Calvin Chester Dwight Gerald Grover Herbert Lyndon Millard Ronald Rutherford Ulysses Warren Woodrow The following surnames are the most usable as a first name for a modern baby: ...


Since tomorrow is Valentine's Day, I chose to feature the lovely name Valentina today! What else would have been more appropriate? This feminine name comes from the Roman Valentinus or Valens meaning "strong, vigorous, healthy" in Latin. Already this name has a great meaning! What about namesakes? The masculine Valentine was a 3rd century saint and martyr whose feast day corresponded with a fertility festival, thus forever linking Valentine's day with love. A modern day bearer of the name Valentina is that of Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova. You may know her as the first woman to ever visit outer space in 1963. There is also Valentina Cortese, an Oscar-nominated actress, and a few celebrity children with the name. In the US, Valentina is doing very well in the popularity department. It first appeared on record in 1897 but it wasn't regularly used until about 1910. It wasn't until 1994 that it entered the Top 1000. Now in 2013, there were 2,5...

The Very Best B Names for Boys and Girls

When you are in need of an amazing baby name, where do you look? A baby name book? A website with a database full of names? Your family tree? ...A phone book?  All of these options will provide great names, I'm sure, but they may also be a bit overwhelming in size. A book can be a couple hundred pages long with a few thousand names in it. Baby name databases online could hold 100,000 names or more!  How are you ever supposed to track down the perfect name for your child? You're in luck! If you happen to be a fan of names that begin with the letter B, you may find a winner on the lists below.  I sifted through hundreds of B names to handpick 50 of the very best options available to you. There are 25 for girls and 25 for boys. I hope you'll fall for one of them! Bailey                      Beatrice Beatrix Bellamy Belle Bernadette Betty Bethany Bianca Blair Blanca Blythe Brianna Briar Bri...

The Best Girl Names of 1950 and How They Rank Today

The baby girls who were born in 1950 are now grandmothers. They will turn 65 this year! It is safe to say, though, that a lot of their first names may not be getting passed down to their grand-daughters at the same rate that grandpa's name is probably being given to the boys. While the boys have some solid classics on their side --even their more dated options like Jerry are well-used today-- the girl names have not survived the test of time as well. Take a look at how the top girl names of 1950 rank then and now and see if you don't agree: Girls:             Linda Mary Patricia Barbara Susan Nancy Deborah Sandra Carol Kathleen Sharon Karen Donna Brenda Margaret Diane Pamela Janet Shirley Carolyn Judith Janice Cynthia Elizabeth Judy 1950:     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2013:                     ...

The Very Best A Names for Boys and Girls

Baby name websites have thousands of names in their databases. This can cause headaches for expecting parents to browse through. How do you know which will be the perfect name for your little one? How can you sift through the unusual names from foreign cultures that you've never even heard of and don't know how to pronounce? After all, you just want a familiar, traditional name that will work well on a baby today. The following list contains fifty of the best names that start with the letter A, twenty-five names per gender. The goal was to include something for nearly everyone. Since I'm based in the US, these names lean more toward current American styles but I'm sure some of these work internationally too. Take a look and let me know which you like best:      Girls: Aaliyah                                    Abigail Adelaide Addison Adriana Ainsley Alana ...


There are so many lovely 4+ syllable names for girls ; narrowing it down to one was difficult but I decided on beautiful Seraphina. Seraphina is the feminine form of the Late Latin male name Seraphinus . This name comes from the biblical, Hebrew word seraphim meaning "fiery ones" and referring to an order of angels that had six wings each. The Seraphim were described by the prophet Isaiah in the bible.  Seraphina was also the name of a 13th century saint from Italy who was known for making clothing for the poor.  As a name, Seraphina was never really favored in the past. However, it is starting to take off as an usual but pretty name. Actors Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner named their second daughter Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck in 2009 which put the name on people's radars more, but yet it still remains mostly unused. The celebrity endorsement bumped Seraphina from having only 50 births in 2008 to having 88 in 2009 and 107 in 2010. How...

Beyond Elizabeth: 4+ Syllable Girl Names

In the past, I wrote an article about Elizabeth and her consistent popularity since 1880: she has always ranked within the Top 30 as a first name. As a middle name, she's also a popular choice because of how extremely well Elizabeth flows with most first names. I listed four specific reasons why Elizabeth has remained so popular and works so well with other names. I also listed other 4 syllable names that might also work well as a middle name. If none of those strike your fancy, you're sure to find a great selection in the following list of 4+ syllable girl names. Which of these are your favorite? Share your thoughts in the comment section below! Abilena           Abriana Abrianna Abriella Abryanna Acadia Acelina Adelaida Adelia Adelina Adelita Adriana Adrianna Aemilia Afrodite Agostina Agustina Albertina Alejandra Alejandrina Aleksandra Alessandra Alessia Alethea Aletheia Alexandra Alexandrea Alexandria Alexia Al...

Kick Off The New Year With These Baby Names!

As one year winds down and another promises to begin, we are all given a sense of a clean slate. 2015 will bring about the feelings of a fresh start and many will have high hopes for the future in the form of resolutions. These similar feelings can also be experienced during pregnancy as we anticipate the arrival of a brand new, tiny person. If you're expecting a child in January, you may feel inspired by the following New Year related baby names: Girl: Asha Aurora Beatrice Dagny Dawn Esperanza Eve Garnet Hope January Janvière Makara Mika Nadia Neoma Newlyn Neve Nova Novella Oriana Renee Roxana Taraja Zara Zora Zorina Boy: Abraham Anno Asher Aster Davian Felix Finn Gennaro Navin Neo Newcomb Newell Newman Orion Paxton Ridley Thaddeus Walid Whittaker Which of these do you like most? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Winter Names for Girls

It isn't officially winter yet, but the snow is already starting to fall in many places. There is something so magical about the white snow. If you're a fan of sipping hot cocoa in front of the fire and gazing out the window as the snowflakes flutter down from the night sky, you may find yourself in love with this list of wintery baby girl names. There's also plenty of holiday-related choices for you as well if you're expecting a winter or Christmas baby!  Which of these are your favorite? Adair                                         Alaska Amaryllis Angelica Aspen Belle Berry Bianca Camellia Carol Christabel Christmas Chrysanthemum Clara Coco Crimson Crystal Dancer December Demi Dorothea Eira Eirwen Eliora Epiphany Estelle Eve February Finola Fire Freesia Frostine Gabrielle Garnet Holiday Holly Hope Icelyn Imani Ivy January Jenara...


Along with dozens of other names , Elsa comes from the name Elizabeth .  Of course, Elizabeth comes from the Greek form of the Hebrew name Elisheva. It means either "my God is an oath", "my God is abundance" or "pledged to God". Elizabeth has been extremely consistent in its popularity over the years, having always been in the Top 30 since 1880. The lovely German Elsa is also very consistent in its popularity since 1880 in the US. Since the release of the wildly successful movie Disney's Frozen in November 2013 featuring a Queen Elsa, the baby name Elsa is expected to leap up the charts in 2014.  Before Frozen, Elsa originally gained popularity as a name among English speakers because of Wagner's romantic opera Lohengrin in 1848. Elsa was the name of the heroine in the opera. I chose to feature Elsa as part of Scandinavian week because, while it is mostly used in Germany, it also has usage in the Scandinavian countries, particularly Sw...

The 10 Best Colonial Names For Modern Boys and Girls

Recently, I was looking over the post I made last year regarding Colonial names . Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I thought I'd cover colonial names a bit more. Colonial names are full of history and laced with virtues and biblical associations. Sometimes these names are even comprised of long phrases . You probably won't see many boys named Comfort or girls named Modesty today, and something like The-Peace-of-God or Fight-the-good-fight-of-faith probably won't work well for official documents. This led me to wonder what the most usable, wearable names that were favored in early America might be. With much thought, scrutiny and consideration, I narrowed it down to my top 5 boy names and top 5 girl names that date back to the colonial era but can still sound fresh and usable today. Girls: Charlotte The lovely Charlotte is the French, feminine form of the name Charles which is typically listed as meaning "free man".  Modern parents love this n...

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