For parents who are looking for a strong but feminine name, look no further than these! This is a compilation of girl names that contain the letter X. While this letter is a bit hotter for masculine names, there are still plenty of lovely choices for a girl.
From the traditional Alexandra to the elegant Margeaux and the spunky Roxanna, this list is a treasure trove of amazing gems! What is your favorite feminine name that has the letter X in it?
If you liked this list, be sure to take a look at the Xcellent Names for Boys list too!
From the traditional Alexandra to the elegant Margeaux and the spunky Roxanna, this list is a treasure trove of amazing gems! What is your favorite feminine name that has the letter X in it?
Aixa Alex Alexa Alexana Alexandra Alexandrea Alexandretta Alexandria Alexandrina Alexandrine Alexea Alexi Alexia Alexie Alexina Alexis Alexius Alexus Alexxia Alexys Alexzandria Alix Alixia Alixana Allexis Alyxandria Alyxia Anaxandra Anaxandria Aphixia Arantxa Aranxa Araxie Aurex Auxerre Axelina Axelle Beatrix Bellatrix Bijoux Brinxlee Brinxley Calixta Calyx Cinxia Devereaux Dexlee Dextra Dixie Elexandra Elexia Elexis Elexius Eudoxia Evdoxia Exaviera Exene Exie Fairfax Felixa |
Fenix Foxglove Galaxia Galaxy Haddix Ixchel Ixia Ixora Jaxyn Jexi Juneaux Laxmi Lennox Lexa Lexi Lexie Lexina Lexine Lexus Lexy Lexzandra Loxley Lumex Lux Luxe Lynnix Lynx Margaux Margeaux Maruxa Max Maxena Maxene Maxie Maxima Maximilienne Maximina Maxina Maxine Moxie Nix Nixie Nyx Olexa Onyx Oxana Pax Paxton Phoenix Pixie Polyxena Polyxeni Rexana Rexanne Rexelle Rixa Roxana Roxane Roxani Roxann |
Roxanna Roxanne Roxelana Roxie Roxolana Roxy Sioux Siouxsie Sixtine Texanna Texas Texie Trixie Viatrix Vixen Xabelle Xabrina Xaida Xaiya Xandie Xandra Xandri Xandria Xanthe Xanthea Xanthia Xanthippe Xanti Xasha Xaverie Xavienna Xaviera Xavierre Xena Xenia Xenobia Xevera Xhesika Xhuliana Xia Ximena Xina Xiomara Xiomya Xionara Xochitl Xoe Xoey Xosha Xristina Xuan Xylah Xylia Xylina Xymeria Xyra Xyzah Xzianne Yanixia Zixi |