The letter I is an interesting letter. Since it is a vowel, it feels like there should be plenty of popular options like the letters A and E seem to have, but it is actually home to a number of unusual and under-the-radar choices.
Sure there's the popular Isabella which has graced the #1 spot in years past, and there's the constant and traditional Isaac and Isaiah, but many of the names below are rather unheard of and rarely used.
Do you agree with my assessment or do you feel that many of these names are more commonplace than I gave them credit for? How many people do you know that have names starting with I?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below... but for now, here are 25 of the best names for girls and 25 of the best names for boys that start with the letter I!
Which of the above I names do you like most? Did I leave any of your favorites off the list? Don't forget to check out the other articles in this series by clicking the links below!
<-- The Very Best H Names for Boys and Girls ||| The Very Best J Names for Boys and Girls -->
<-- The Very Best H Names for Boys and Girls ||| The Very Best J Names for Boys and Girls -->