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Showing posts with the label girl names

The Very Best P Names for Boys and Girls

Perhaps you are looking to honor someone whose name starts with the letter P. However, you don't want to use their exact name so you've decided to simply give your child the same initials as that person. That means you need a great P name that you can love! Fortunately for you, you've just stumbled upon a list of The Very Best P Names for Boys and Girls! 50 P names, to be exactly, 25 for girls and 25 for boys. That gives you plenty of options to choose from! So what will it be?  Share your favorite P names in the comments below. Did I miss any great ones? Paige Paisley Pamela Pandora Paris Patience Patricia Paula Pearl Penelope Peony Persephone       Petra Phaedra Philippa Philomena Phoebe Pia Piper Poppy Portia Presley Primrose Priscilla Prudence Palmer Parker Parrish Pascal Patrick Patton Paul Pavel Pax Paxton Penn Percival Percy Peregrine Perry Peter Peyton Phillip Phineas Phoenix Pierce Porter Powe...

Juno, Margot & Willow: Girl Names Ending in the "Oh" Sound

There is something intriguing about feminine names that end with the "oh" sound. Many of these names have a spunky elegance to them. Since this ending sound is somewhat unusual for girls, the majority of these names are far from popular. Willow ranks the highest at #138 in 2014. Harlow ranks at #508, and Shiloh is at #608. A name to watch is Margot. It is catching on fast, ranking at #749 in the US. These are some of the best options I could find that end with "oh". If you are searching for names that are interesting and uncommon, you've found the right list! Which of these do you like most? Can you think of any names that I missed? Amiko                             Arlo Arrow Callisto Cielo Cleo Clio Coco Devereaux Dido Echo Farrow Flo Gwenno Halo Harlow Hiro Indigo Io Isabeau Jo Juneau Juno Kahlo Keiko Kimiko Lilo Lucero Margeaux Margo Margot Mariko Marlo Marlow Marlow...

The Very Best O Names for Boys and Girls

Beyond the popular Olivia, Oliver and Owen, there aren't very many popular names that start with O. In fact, most names that start with the letter O are rather obscure. Orion and Orlando are rather common now for boys, but many familiar female names like Ophelia or Octavia do not rank within the Top 1000 names and they haven't for decades. Do you have any favorite O names on your shortlist? If not, you have now found a treasure trove of unique options! Just browse the list below and name with boldness knowing that your little one will have a great, uncommon name! So tell me, which of the 25 very best O names for girls, and 25 for boys, do you like best? Oakley                    Oceana Octavia October Odelia Odessa Odette Odile Oksana Olenna Olga Oliana Olive Olivia Olympia Ondine Opal Ophelia Oriana Oriole Orla Osanna Ottavia Ottilie Ottoline Oakes Obadiah Oberon Ocean Octavian Octavius ...


Inspired by our list of The Very Best N Names for Boys and Girls , I present the name Nova. Nova comes from the Latin word novus which means "new". A nova is also a space term for when there is a cataclysmic nuclear explosion on a white dwarf planet. It causes a sudden brightening of the star. A nova is slightly different than a supernova which is a stellar explosion that briefly outshines an entire galaxy with as much energy as the sun before fading. As a name, Nova has been in use for girls since 1885 in the US but it was never popular until it exploded within the past 5 years. It ranked below the Top 1000 at #1133 in 2010. By 2013 it was up to #529. As of 2014 Nova ranked way up at #287 with 1,121 births for the year. It also ranks well in the Netherlands and Sweden. Nova has recently spiked for boys, too. It has always been given to males here in the US but not regularly until 1996. In 2014 there were 102 boys named Nova for a rank of #1553. Do you like this n...

The Very Best N Names for Boys and Girls

The letter N kicks off the 2nd half of the alphabet and the names are noticeably a bit more difficult to choose and narrow down. The tail end of the alphabet tends to contain more difficult letters. However, I did happen to find some of the very best options available that start with N! There seems to be a few solid names that start with this letter and many unusual options that don't rank very high on the popularity charts. Compiling this list was tricky, but I've put together the 25 best girl names that start with the letter N, and 25 names for boys too! Is N one of your favorite letters for names or do you have a hard time with it like I do? Take a look at the names I've picked and let me know if there are any great ones that I missed. Nadia                Nadine Naima Nancy Naomi Natalia Natalie Natasha Nellie Neve Nia Niamh Nicole Nicolette Nikita Nila Nina Noa Noe Noelle Noemi Nola Nora Nova Nyx Nash...

Whimsical Names for Baby Girls

When something is "whimsical" it is defined as "playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way." When applied to names, I would consider these to be names that are a bit out of the ordinary. Something that you don't quite hear everyday but when you do hear it, you can't help but feel drawn to it. Many of these might only make it as far as your "guilty pleasure" list but you may find yourself falling for one enough to at least sneak it in the middle name spot. If you happen to be a bold namer, you're sure to love this list! Which of these do you like the most? Aerith                         Alaska Allifair Allure Alouette Amethyst Amity Anais Apolline Arianwen Astoria Atalanta Athalia Ayelet Belladonna Bliss Boheme Briar Bronwyn Calantha Calixta Celandine Ceridwen Charis Chrysanthemum Clemence Clover Corisande Cressida Daenerys December Éire Eirwen El...

The Very Best M Names for Boys and Girls

The letter M seems to be regarded as one of the more favored letters when it comes to baby names. After browsing the list below, you'll understand why people like it! There are so many great options available in this letter that it was difficult to narrow down the choices to just 25 names for girls and 25 names for boys! If you know you love M names but you haven't yet chosen the perfect name for your child, perhaps you'll find it here! Put down that baby name book and close out those other tabs. It's been a long search but, finally, the name you want is below! Mabel                        Madeline Maeve Magnolia Maisie Margaret Margot Maria Marley Mary Matilda Maude May McKenzie Megan Meredith Mia Michaela Mila Minerva Mirabelle Miranda Miriam Molly Morgan Maddox Magnus Malachi Malcolm Marcus Marlon Marshall Martin Mason Matthew Matthias Maverick Maximilian Maximu...

Wonderful Word Names for Girls

"Girl Word Names" Click on the link above to see this word cloud at WordItOut . You may also view it on this website if you enable JavaScript (see your web browser settings). These days, word names are in. Here are some of the more interesting and beautiful words that are being used as names for girls today.  Which are your favorites? Aria                  Bliss Blue Cadence Darling Dawn Echo Ember Eve Ever Fable Faith Felicity Glory Grace Harmony Harper Honor Hope Jade Jewel Journey Joy Karma Kismet Lark Liberty Love Lyric Meadow Melody Mercy Paige Poet Rain Rebel Rose Saffron Sage Sailor Scout Serene Sky Snow Sonnet Storm Story Sunny Trinity True Whimsy Wisteria Can you think of any that could be added? Help me expand the list in the comments below!


Taken straight from our list of The Very Best L Names for Boys and Girls is the lovely name Luna. While Luna is usually listed as either Italian, Spanish or both, it originates as a Latin name meaning "the moon". According to the ancient Roman mythology, the goddess Luna was considered the divine embodiment of the moon and was often portrayed as driving a white chariot through the sky. Her Greek counterpart is the goddess Selene. As a baby name in the US, Luna dates back to the start of our modern records in the year 1880. Luna has been used on and off over the years, encountering a bit of a dry spell in the mid-60s. It was never popular until recently when it joined the Top 1000 names in 2003. It has been steadily rising on the popularity chart since then. 2,314 baby girls were given the name in 2014 for a ranking of #143. At this rate, it should continue to rise in popularity. Luna is short and sweet. It carries beautiful imagery with it as it evokes peaceful vibes...

The Very Best L Names for Boys and Girls

The letter L is a very important letter. It can not only be found within many of today's most popular names, but it also has plenty of great options as a starting letter. Are you a fan of L? If so, you may just love this list! I have compiled 25 of the very best L names for girls and the 25 for boys! However, just like all the other articles like this, the names are listed alphabetically. I did not rank them from best to worst or favorite to least favorite. These are simply 50 of the best L names that I could find that I think would suit a modern American child.  While there are plenty of other L names out there, these are the ones that I liked the most. What are your favorite names on the list below? Lacey                        Lana Lara Lauren Lavinia Layla Leah Leigh Leila Leonora Leticia Lilah Liliana Lily Lindsay Linnea Liv Lola London Lorelei Louise Lucy Luna Lydia Lyric ...

Uncommon Alternatives to the Top 10 Girls' Names

As you may know, here in the US the Social Security Administration tallies up the names of all the babies born within a year and reveals which names were most popular. While there are clearly thousands of parents who are happy using popular names, there are also parents who would rather avoid them. For those parents who may secretly like the sound of the top names but hate their popularity, I've created a list of alternative options to the Top 10 names for girls. The names may be similar in sound, syllables, initial letter, meaning, origin or a combination of those. None of the alternate names below rank on the SSA's Top 1000 most popular names chart in 2014. 1, Emma ---> Amabel The rare medieval name Amabel maintains a sound similar to Emma at the start of the name but it also offers the trendy "bel" sound at the end. It does all of this while still being an unusual name and a cool alternative to the popular Emma.  I can never believe that this lovely p...

The Very Best K Names for Boys and Girls

If you weren't a fan of the very best C names for boys and girls, perhaps you'll prefer the very best K names!  While similar, the letter K gives a whole different vibe to names than the letter C.  K names are sometimes thought of as trendy alternate spellings of traditional C names. However, many Greek names, for example, were spelled with a K originally. So when it comes to spelling a name with a C or a K, it's all a matter of taste and opinion. If you happen to enjoy the letter K, this is your list! Below are 25 of the very best names for girls that start with the letter K, and 25 for boys too!  Be sure to share your favorite K names in the comments whether they're listed below or not! Kacy                                     Kaia Kalista Kalliope Kara Karen Karissa Kassandra Kassidy Katarina Kate Katelyn Katherine Kathleen Katrina Kayla Kay...

Top 10 Unisex Baby Names in 2014

Last month we discovered which names were most favored by America in 2014. As you know, Emma and Noah were ranked at #1.  Have you ever wondered which unisex names are the most popular? The SSA doesn't make a separate list for unisex names. It's up to us to determine which names are used for both boys and girls. If you saw my previous article regarding  the boy-to-girl ratios of every unisex name within the Top 1000 , you'll see that some names are used more often for one gender than the other, yet some names are very evenly used. So how can we determine which unisex names are the most popular based on this information? Since there are two genders, it's a bit complicated to determine the exact popularity, especially since I was taking into account the boy-to-girl ratios of the names, the number of births for each gender, and the rank assigned to the names by the Social Security Administration.. While determining which unisex names are the most popular across...

Your Ultimate Guide to Unisex Names: Boy-to-Girl Ratios in 2014

Welcome to our annual list of unisex names. This is where we analyze the gender ratios of each name. Some of these may not truly classify as a true "unisex name" because they will swing very heavily to one side or the other. I chose to include some names like that because it is worth mentioning, especially if it ranked at 3% last year and now ranks at 5%. That means the name is beginning to gain more popularity for the minority gender. Over time, it could continue to change and become more of a 20/80 thing and perhaps later a 40/60 thing. Wouldn't you like to be able to guess these things in advance if its a name you're pondering for a future child? There have been many cases where a name was traditionally male and it was then slowly taken over by the girls. Some of those formerly male names are now considered completely female. Names evolve. If we can catch them in the act, well, I think it would be exciting. I'm only mentioning all of this because last...


While everyone will have differing opinions about which are The Very Best J Names for Boys and Girls, I'm sure many can agree that Juno is an interesting and unique choice! The feminine name Juno is very mythological. The ancient Roman goddess was a daughter of Saturn, the wife (and sister!) of the Jupiter and the mother of Mars and Vulcan. She was the goddess of marriage and childbirth and often looked after the women of Rome. Juno was also the Queen of the Gods, known as "Regina" which means Queen. Her Greek equivalent is the goddess Hera. The meaning of the name Juno is generally thought to be unknown but some speculate that it is related to an Indo-European root word that means "youth".  Juno is a variation of the Roman name Iuno. Other related names are Iunius, Junius, Iunia, and Junia. As a name, Juno isn't very used in the US. It randomly charted way back in 1919 with 6 births and it wasn't heard from again until 1996. This name re...

The Very Best J Names for Boys and Girls

There seems to be such a plethora of choices for the letter J that it was difficult to narrow them down. Do you agree? Perhaps this was just a tough letter for me. Throughout this alphabetical name series, have you come across a letter that gave you a hard time narrowing down the names to just 25 for girls and 25 for boys? The opposite can be true, too, if a letter doesn't have nearly enough lovely choices to fill up the list. What are your problem letters? I hope you'll enjoy this compilation of the very best names that start with the letter J. Do you agree with the ones that I chose? If not, which would you remove and what would you replace them with? Jacqueline                 Jade Jane Jasmine Jayla Jeanne Jemima Jenna Jennifer Jessica Jillian Joan Jocelyn Joelle Johanna Jolie Jordan Josephine Joy Judith Juliana Juliet June Juniper Juno Jack Jacob James Jared Jason Jasper Jayden Jeffrey Jerem...

The Very Best I Names for Boys and Girls

The letter I  is an interesting letter. Since it is a vowel, it feels like there should be plenty of popular options like the letters A and E seem to have, but it is actually home to a number of unusual and under-the-radar choices. Sure there's the popular Isabella which has graced the #1 spot in years past, and there's the constant and traditional Isaac and Isaiah, but many of the names below are rather unheard of and rarely used. Do you agree with my assessment or do you feel that many of these names are more commonplace than I gave them credit for? How many people do you know that have names starting with I?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below... but for now, here are 25 of the best names for girls and 25 of the best names for boys that start with the letter I! Ianthe                                 Ida Ignacia Iliana Imogen India Indira Inez Ingrid Io...

Noah & Emma: The Top Names of 2014

The brand new Social Security Administration list of the most popular baby names in 2014 is here! For the first time since 2008, Emma has reclaimed the throne, surpassing both Sophia and Olivia! On the boy's side, Noah has held onto his popularity another year even though many were speculating that #2 Liam would take it. Here are the new Top 10 for each gender! I thought Sophia would have continued her streak at #1 again this year, only possibly being unseated by Olivia. I was right about Olivia surpassing Sophia, but I didn't see Emma coming to claim the throne again after only being #1 once in 2008.  Charlotte made her way into the Top 10 by knocking Elizabeth out of the ring. With the birth of the new princess, Charlotte will probably continue to rise, potentially being #1 within the next 5 years! Any thoughts? My guess was that Liam would take #1 but Noah holds on to the throne another year! Mason surpasses Jacob, and James takes Jayden's place! The names...


To complement our list of The Very Best H Names for Boys and Girls , we will further examine the feminine name Honora. It was the Normans who introduced the name Honora to England and Ireland. Honora is a variant of the name Honoria which is the feminine form of Honorius. Honorius is a Late Latin name meaning "honor". It has been worn by a few saints and popes as well as an emperor. In addition to the lovely Honora, there is also the Irish Onóra and the English Annora. Nora is an excellent nickname for all of these, and diminutives include the similar Norene, Noreen, Norah and Nóirín. While some parents like the shorter and simpler name Honor to reflect its virtuous meaning, others opt for a bit more of an elaboration with Honora or Honoria. These types of abstract virtue names were popular with the Puritans after having been introduced to Britain by the Normans. Today in modern America, Honora is very under-the-radar. It has been used quietly but consistently s...

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